The eye shaped island is dense forest now where mangroves of more than 40 feet are seen completely submerged under the sea water. The top of the tree tip is only seen on the water surface 

The material of construction used to expand the original land mass. This is again designed in the best way. 

The eye shaped forest land has two water channel to move inside the forest. The man made construction of this  channel shows, it was a forest resort of Bhagwan Krishna.    

The Sea Submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna is looking Indian - American collaboration to move further. Some more than 100 satellite photographs of Sea submerged Dwarika are published in my book - DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA - available at Amazon in ebook and paperback. The link is :

Indian Amazon brings book here :


Paperback  edition is here:


I may be contacted at : birendrajha03@yahoo.com


The Indians have forgotten this science, how small land mass is converted into a big desired floating structure. Using coral material and other ingredients.  The cow head shaped island "Vrindavan" , is one such floating artificial island, where the "cow-eye", is the original land mass. This original mass is further expanded to the entire face of the cow. We see brown type structure developed around this eye as face. This is a mix of coral and lapis lazuli. We identify this as another "Vrindavan" of Bhagwan Dwarikadheesh, in this saline atmosphere, where he was getting milk, butter and other cow made ingredients. This has immense potential in the Space Engineering for designing low weight satellite. This technology has never been seen in the history of  the mankind before in any civilized country.  

 भारतीय वह विज्ञान भूल चुके हैं जिसमें छोटी  द्वीप धरती को  पानी में बड़े आकार में परिवर्तित कर दी जाय. "गोमुख" द्वीप, बहुत सारे द्वीपों में ऐसे ही एक महत्वपूर्ण द्वीप है जिसे "गाय" के "मुख"आकार में परिवर्तित की गयी. यह भगवान् द्वारिकाधीश का दूसरा वृन्दावन था जहां से भगवान को दूध. दही मक्खन की आपूर्ति होती थी. इस  वृन्दावन में गाय की आँख "ओरिजिनल लैंड मास" - मूल जमीन है. इस मूल जमीन में भूरे रंग के ढांचे को  जोड़ कर पानी में तैरता बहुत ही हल्की  "आर्टिफिशियल"  स्ट्रक्चर बनाई गई  है. जो कोरल और लपीस लजूली के मिश्रण से निर्मित है . वैदिक इंजीनियरिंग का यह कमाल कम वजन के सेटेलाइट बनाने में स्पेस इंजीनियरिंग या नौसेना के लिए सुरक्षा के नए अवसर लेकर उपस्थित है . यह तकनीक विश्व के किसी भी सभ्य देश में अबतक देखने को नहीं मिली.                 


Read my other blogs at the following links:

The "Mound Of Mohan" And Cosmopolitan Town Of Dwarika "मोहन का टीलाऔर समृद्ध द्वारिका शहरhttps://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-mound-of-mohan-and-cosmopolitan.html 

दन्त कथा में वेरावल और जगन्नाथ पुरी https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/blog-post.html

NEEL MADHAV - THE RETURN OF POWER: THE REPUBLICANS https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/neel-madhav-return-of-power-republicans.html

VRINDAVAN https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/vrindavan.html 

SPEAKING STONES- THE LOSS OF A CIVILIZATION https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/speaking-stones.html 

Sacred Islands- Cultural Threat - National Safety. पवित्र धरती - सांस्कृतिक हमला और राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/sacred-islands-cultural-threat-national.html 

WHO SHALL CARE. कैसे सुरक्षित होगी हमारी निधि - हमारी संस्कृतिhttps://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/who-shall-care.html 

THE FORGOTTEN ICONOGRAPHY OF KRISHNA. एक विस्मृत कृष्ण चिन्ह https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-forgotten-iconography-of-krishna.html 

THE STORY OF MOHENJODARO https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-story-of-mohenjodaro.html

Migration Of Krishna Symbolism "Unicorn Bull" From The Sea Submerged Dwarika To Mohenjo Daro And Iran https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/migration-of-krishna-symbolism-unicorn.html 

THE CRISIS OF HINDU IDENTITY https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/the-crisis-of-hindu-identity.html 

 A Paralysed Generation And The Lost Horse Of Bhagwan Krishna - . अपाहिज समाज तथा भगवान का लापता घोड़ा https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/10/a-paralysed-generation-and-lost-horse.html 

The 189 Generation of Bhagwan Krishna https://birendrajha03.blogspot.com/2020/09/the-189-generation-of-bhagwan-krishna.html



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