"प्रत्यक्षं किं प्रमाणम्"
(What is evident, what is in front of us, does not require any proof to prove it)
The submerged land of Khadir-Bet has not been studied seriously. Here large Dwarka Town with port of Bhagwan Krishna is submerged. Every year Siberian birds travel more than 5000 kilometers from Siberia to meet Bhagwan Krishna here. The 5200 years of travelling practice is in their blood. These birds, return to Siberia, once the sea water evaporates quickly in the Indian summer. Leaving behind a thick layer of white salt. Nature keeps, hiding Dwarka Town from greedy and selfish people. Sometimes hidden under water and sometimes secretly locked under the thick layer of white salt. This is challenging wonder of the Marine Archaeology.
*Birendra K Jha
( Email: birendrajha03@yahoo.com )
About the expert researcher:
Birendra K Jha is an independent researcher and Marine Archaeological expert. He is working in Marine Archaeology since 2000. He discovered underwater sites of Dwarka, Kavatapuram and Rama-Setu. The major reporting of the Dwarka discovery is published in his book the "Discovery of Lost Dwarka". His father, Dr N Jha, a leading archaeologist - historian trained him traditionally on the missing skill gap of the Indian Archaeology and history. His first book "Vedic Glossary on Indus Seals" was written with his father on the Harappan Paleography. This was published in 1996. This received wide appreciation and recorded reference in more than 100 journals and reference books in English, French, German and other languages. After this work he collaborated in his father's grand joint work with Dr NS Rajaram. This appeared under the title "Deciphered Indus Script" in 2000. This book received world wide appreciation with major criticisms from the Harvard University and the Jawaharlal Nehru University. The two universities were claiming that the seal decipherment deals about Dwarka, Bhagwan Krishna symbolism and the Mahabharat age. All mythological characters, what both the universities claimed ! This was a turning point for Jha. He decided to search Dwarka. Since then he engaged himself on searching Dwarka. The discovery is reported widely in the published book the "Discovery of Lost Dwarka" ( 2020 ).
Jha is a Management expert with wide administration experience of over 30 years. He obtained his qualification in Management and worked as General Manager in Multi National South Korean Company in Human Resource Administration widely handling training development and Organization development. Currently he has consultation firm HR Lab, where he provides expert consultation in HR and renders Social Audit service. He is a qualified Social Auditor of India. He is Member of the Institute of Social Auditor of India ( Institute of Chartered Accountants of India ). His academic qualification and experience in Human Resource Administration allowed him to think in different way. He adopted different road and approach then the current archaeologists what they were using. He adopted traditional primary reference of Indian history written in Sanskrit, then what the modern historians write. Being Management Graduate, he looked the original source. He politely ignored what the others had said. He adopted the Kaizen Scientific Management method in understanding the Marine Archaeological problems of India. He reduced waste and adopted the net value oriented data. He eliminated guess and believed data driven data. This was completely different way of thinking with different routes. This practice enriched our knowledge on the Marine Archaeology.
All satellite images produced after this section are copyright protected. The images should not be used without proper permission of the author.
I report here the underwater marine site just submerged right under the nose of Dholavira. This is widely reported in my published book the "Discovery of Lost Dwarka". This discovery has not so far been reported by others.
The Harivans Puran gives brilliant data of the Dwarka Town spread from the present Gulf of Kutch to Khadir-Bet site. At the Gulf of Kutch the starting point is the Lataveshti Parvat ( in the Western side ) and Raivatak Parvat ( In the Eastern side ) situated near the "Panchjanya Van". This town was spread up to the Saraswati River confluence at the Khadir Bet. This is the exact geographical boundary of Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna.
At the Khadir Bet this prominent underwater site has been missed by the Archaeological World. This was four times bigger than the present Dholavira site. In Marine Archeology, one needs smart expertise and technique. So far, this is completely missing and absent today. This technique is required to be replaced with the endless, blind and dangerous diving which is risking the human life.
After examining the Saraswati River confluence location at the Khadir Bet. This revealed that the Khadir Bet site was once a part of the vast Dwarka City spread in the Gulf of Kutch. The Saraswati River then was pouring mass volume of water at the Khadir Bet site. Even there is brilliant reference in the Mahabharat where Balaram Ji started his pilgrimage voyage from the ship port situated at the "Saraswati River - Sea confluence". He moved from Khadir Bet and advanced to the Pehova Site at Haryana. At that time the Saraswati River was flowing. This brilliant data has been missed by the Archaeologists.
The submerged Dwarka site of the Khadir Bet during monsoon remains completely seated in mass volume of sea water. After the end of monsoon, the draught weather evaporates quickly the sea water. The water submerged site now remains covered under a thick layer of salt. Marine divers can't dive here. This is thick salt. What you need here. Smart expertise and technique of satellite, which can penetrate thick salt layer for detecting the site. The divers have no business here in sea water, which has converted now into thick salt layer.
The drinking water requirement for this Khadir Bet's Dwarka site was linked with Dholavira. Large water tanks have been recovered in the satellite images. These tanks were interlinked with one another. These tanks were receiving water from the two Saraswati River feeded streams ( Mansar and Manhar ). The dark mark of paleochannels of these two River Streams establish that the site was receiving abundant water from the Saraswati River.
As stated earlier, the Dholavira's water tanks were connected with the Saraswati River, through two River Streams Mansar and Manhar Rivers. The two streams are the old memories of the Saraswati River. The streams were filling quickly the underground tanks at Dholavira. The excess water moves down through several check dams to the final water storage points constructed at the Khadir Bet's Dwarka ( See the ancient paleochannel of the Saraswati River as identified locally the Mansar and Manhar in the satellite image ). The downside water tanks, further were interlinked with each other. The Dwarka people had brilliant hydraulic engineering knowledge. The site relation with Dholavira says that, when there was any shortage of water in summer at the Khadir Bet Dwarka's storage tank, than Dholavira storage tank was activated. The property of gravitational force of Physics filled the water tank quickly situated at the bottom of Dholavira.
The two paleochannels of Mansar and Manhar Rivers are an important part of a larger climatic oscillation. The occurrence of Saraswati River at the Khadir Bet with large heap of gravel stones accumulated around the foot fall (of Khadir Bet) connects the Saraswati River with the Mansar and Manhar Rivers. Now, the Saraswati River's two feeding channel are only survived with dark mark of paleochannels. The paleochannels so far has not been studied properly.
The present arrangement of Dholavira site was once created only for meeting the requirement of the Great Dwarka site situated at the Khadir Bet. The satellite images speak a lot about the submerged sites. This is required to be examined extensively. This is just opening the deep secret of our history and archaeology, which has never been reported earlier.
I have reported earlier the smart use of Color Band Sensing Imaging Technique used widely at the Gulf of Kutch at Gujarat and the two submerged sites at Kavatapuram and Rama-Setu site at Tamilnadu. After detecting the site, the satellite has been used in the Analogue Technique mode for looking and understanding the ancient sites. This scientific technique has given brilliant data as one can see here:

☝ Image One: Two photographs of same location. The top one is blank and the other is label marked. This is brilliant exposition of the Color Band Sensing Imaging Technique. I had been searching the Khadir Bet's Submerged Dwarka as marked clearly in the Harivans Puran as last border of the Dwarka Town. This allowed me to use extensively the Color Band Sensing Imaging Technique at the sea submerged sites surrounded around the footfall of Khadir Bet. I stuck here (look the label mark "ancient wall of Khadir-Bet Dwarka"). Satellite detected here huge archaeological structures. This venture detected, ancient submerged wall, and trace mark of ancient paleochannel of Mansar and Manhar River streams, that were linked with the Khadir Bet's Dwarka. This was the footfall area under the nose of Dholavira. The Color Band Sensing Imaging Technique, allowed me to deeply examine the submerged site with the help of Analogue Technique used in the Satellite science. This Analogue Technique revealed further brilliant data as given below.

☝ Image Two: Two photographs again of same location taken by Satellite in Analogue Technique. One is blank and the other is label marked. The Analogue Technique detected clearly ancient wall, ancient water storage tanks, human settlement town and ancient paleochannel of the Saraswati River, identified in local language as Mansar and Manhar Rivers. These two rivers were linked with Dholavira. This demonstrated clearly that the present Dholavira site was only created for meeting the water requirement of Dwarka situated at Khadir Bet. The Dholavira and Khadir- Bet's Dwarka are both interlinked and closely related.

☝ Image Three: Satellite photograph in the Analogue Technique of Khadir Bet Dwarka. Archaeological properties demonstrated here are very important. Clear water storage points with human settlement situated in both the sides are excellent feature. The human settlement town is closely guarded with a covered wall shown in the back side boundary wall. In front side large wall is seen passing through.
☝ Image Four: Color Band Sensing Imaging Technique used here to detect the relation between the different water storage points. This revealed that the entire water storage points were interlinked.
☝ Image Five: Satellite in the Analogue Technique detected further large site of Dwarka at the Khadir-Bet site. Large secured town with water storage points. Clear and clean stone made boundary wall. The Manhar - Mansar River is meeting here the sea. This demonstrated that the Manhar - Mansar River was once feeded by the Great Saraswati River. One Port is located just near this site. This port was linking Ocean moving ships to move on the Saraswati River water stream. Balaram Ji pilgrimage voyage description from Sea to Pehova ( Haryana), is a description of ship travel from Ocean to the Saraswati River. He travelled upside to Haryana at Pehova using the water stream of Saraswati River.
☝ Image Six: Satellite in the Analogue Technique detected large two water storage points at the Khadir Bet's Dwarka
☝ Image Seven: During monsoon entire Khadir Bet Dwarka site remains submerged under water . Satellite in the Analogue Technique looks the important archaeological features as shown in the photograph. Front wall with human settlement are seen clearly here.
☝ Image Eight: Large stone slabs with circular hole seen in the middle of the slabs. These are important archaeological properties discovered at the Khadir Bet's Dwarka site.
☝ Image Nine: Grand visual of the submerged Dwarka at Khadir Bet. Front side wall , human settlement with building features in straight line and back side wall are important archaeological properties discovered so far.
☝ Image Ten: Grand visual of ship berth pockets at Khadir-Bet's Dwarka. The Dholavira people, were engaged in the maritime activites. They were dependent on the port infrastructure developed by Bhagwan Krishna's Khadir-Bet Dwarka. In other words, Dholavira and Khadir-Bet's Dwarka are one.
☝ Image Eleven: Satellite image of high mound site at Khadir-Bet's Dwarka with "ship berth" and human settlement in straight lines.
☝ Image Twelve: Satellite image of white stone built two ship ports situated at the Original Submerged Dwarka at the Gulf of Kutch. The ports are extremely beautiful. The lavish use of costly white stone is completely missing at the Khadir-Bet's Dwarka site.
☝ Image Thirteen: Satellite image of white stone built ancient shipping port of the submerged Dwarka. The port berth is designed in the lotus leaf motif. This lavish costly arrangement is missing at the Khadir-Bet's Dwarka.
☝ Image Fourteen: Satellite image of Khadir-Bet's Dwarka Town of Bhagwan Krishna in two different climates. This is the power of the Satellite's Analogue Technique in searching the submerged marine archaeological sites.
I had jointly written with my father in 1996 "Vedic Glossary on Indus Seals". Latter this appeared in more than 100 journals and reference work in English, French, German and other languages. This work had solved there the big Archaeological problems of the current archaeology. This work shed adequate light on the archaeology of the Mahabharat. This is paradox that large literary reference of the Mahabharat is completely absent in the Archaeology ! This was skill gap of the Archaeological society. I had discussed there the Dholavira script. Hardly this was known to me at that time, that I am discussing about the script of the days of Bhagwan Krishna. Dr. RS Bisht, then Director Institute of Archaeology, has handed down personally to my father, his hand drawn script from Dholavira. At that time the script was not published anywhere. He was interested to know what is written there. My father found primitive signs of the Ancient Brahmi on the writing. Some 80% of the Harappan Signs were coming from the Ancient Brahmi family. This appeared in the work "Vedic Glossary on Indus Seals". This also appeared again in 2000 in my fathers' grand work "Deciphered Indus Script" jointly authored with Dr NS Rajaram. In these two grand works, where I collaborated, sharpened me to understand the Archaeological skill gap. Clearly the two important published books allowed me to think clearly an assessment of the skill gap seen in the present Archaeological communities. The skill gap was, missing Archaeological knowledge about the Dwarka site of Bhagwan Krishna.
The stated skill gap was more visible when grand availability of Bhagwan Krishna symbolisms are seen on the Harappan Seals ( the Ekashring and the Trikakut symbolisms of Bhagwan Krishna) but Archeologists do not provide any evidence of the Mahabharat site. This was embarrassing position and current skill gap and problems of the Indian Archaeologists. My current book "Discovery of Lost Dwarka", revealed the lost Dwarka and addressed that the Harappans were the people migrated from Dwarka after the Town submerged.
The Dwarka spread from the Gulf of Kutch to the Khadir Bet Island what I have identified is milestone. As earlier stated, large skill gap of Marine Archaeologists, need different learning approach. Since 1970 and the advent of 2025, nothing improved on the Dwarka search, other than the pioneer work of Dr SR Rao. He was very near to evidence. But he missed. Bet-Dwarka is not the Original Dwarka.
Fortunately as I was working at Dwarka, I used to look major scientific papers. I came through a major Radio Dating report from Dwarka. This dating was done by Dr SP Gupta from the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. The dating was conducted from a coral sample, which started growing just the day one when the Dwarka Town submerged in water. The massive Dwarka walls provided idle environment of such corals. The date was spellbound. This placed Mahabharat age at 3100 BCE ( plus minus 100 years ). This again matched with the traditional date given in the Hindu Panchang at one stroke, where the date is 3102 BCE.
The Dwarka people were speaking Sanskrit. The Vishnu Puran and the Harivans say, after Dwarka submerged, people migrated to Harappa at Punjab. When they migrated to Harappa, they carried the language and script extensively in practice at Dwarka. They were neither speaking Tamil nor Arabic. The Dwarka site appeared when the parallel site at Kavatapuram at Tamilnadu was in dominating position, where King Pandyan was ruling. The Dwarka and Kavtapuram, the two sites, submerged at the same time, throwing challenges before the modern Marine Archaeologists.
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