Search of Lost Kavatapuram in Tamil Nadu - The ancient contemporary site of Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna.

Britishers understood very clearly that the Indians are very poor in their own history. Better they divided the  Indians to meet out their own policies. Even after 78 years of India's independence Indians do not know what is the historical record preserved in the Ramayan, Tamil Sangam or the Mahabharat. They just believe on bogus and blind theories supplied by the Britishers. Who were here to rule the Indians, without mind.  



The  first two Tamil Sangam Academy conference were conducted at Kavatapuram. This city in the Mahabharat era submerged in the sea. The people of the submerged  Kavatapuram city,  migrated to the  present-day city of Madurai. The last  Sangam Academy at Kavatapuram had huge fifty-nine members handling different subjects and about 3,700 persons, who  had attended this conference. In this Academy conference, Bhagwan Krishna mentioned as the King of Dwarka was also present. Probably He, Presided the conference.  

The incident of the sea swallowing a portion of the Pandyan territory is attested by a reference in the Silapiddikaram  and in the  Kalittogai. Where this city submerged? Archaeologists had no idea. The Government of India and the Tamil Nadu Government both failed to detect this ancient city. Both the Governments at central and state level have no plan and strategy to search the Marine Archaeological property. This condition speaks a lot about the poor capacity of the people handling the Marine Archaeology in India. They are more interested in easy surface excavation. Due to this skill gap, India lost wisdom on the Marine Archaeology side. In India Dr. SR Rao, who brilliantly had  searched down under the water at Gujarat, challenged the mainstream Archaeologists to change their opinion about Bhagwan Krishna.       

The detection of the  ancient city Kavatapuram is required because this is a contemporary site of Dwarka associated with Bhagwan Krishna. Further, the Pandyan King Malaydhwaj and  his army from  Kavatapuram  had taken part in the  Mahabharat War. So searching this site is very important.  

The entire site of Kavatapuram, which was swallowed by sea is also related with a term "Kumari-Kandam". This term   is a modern artificial terminology started in the 20th century. This has nothing to do with the Kavatapuram as demonstrated latter. 

The old and established name of this swallowed city is "Kavatam City of the Pandyans" ( "कवतम् पाण्ड्यानाम्"  Kavatam Pandyanam). Maharshi Valmiki has quoted the following shloka about this site. Valmiki is giving description of this area through Sugreev to the search parties assembled at Rameshwaram. Valmiki says immediately South of Rameshwarm is the city of Kavatapuram of the Pandyan Kingdom. The verse is like this:  

ततो हेममयम् दिव्यम् मुक्ता मणि विभूषितम् ॥

युक्तम् कवतम् पाण्ड्यानाम् तम् पाण्ड्यानाम् गता दृश्यथ वानरः। 4-41-18 ॥

As per description in the above shloka. The city of Kavatapuram should must be a well decorated and beautiful city. In the age of Mahabharat the city is extraordinary very beautiful then imagined. In Dwarka we see fine pattern of city construction within some auspicious animal shape. The same technique is seen here at Kavatapuram.

We have again here ancient brilliant commentary from  Govindaraj  on the Kavatapuram city:  

"पाण्ड्यानाम् पण्ड्यराजानाम् । युक्तं योग्यं । कवते ; 

अनेन नगरं लक्ष्यते। मुक्ता  रुपैर्मणिभिः रत्नेः भूषितं ।

तदुत्पत्ति देशत्वा दिति  भावः ।"

The Pandyans conducted three Sangams Academies. This Archaeological interest is restricted towards the second Sangam Academy where Bhagwan Krishna was present from Dwarka.  This is written in ancient Tamil records that during the second conference, the Kavatapuram city was decorated in the best possible architectural shape. New buildings were made by the Pandyan King for conducting the second Sangam Academy as a memorable event.  

The city constructed inside the "Varah" shape appears more learning assembly hall then the ordinary resident house for common people. This is an old tradition of India. We have seen in Sanskrit literatures parishad.  This institution became common institutions or academies for discussing Upanisads and the Dharmsutras.  At such academy learned pandits assembled and entered into discussions. Sometimes these parishads were presided over by kings in his Court. But if participants are more or special  then separate academy campus  is constructed, what we see at Kavatapuram.  

In Charak Samhita, we come across similar grand conference of Ayurvedic Physicians presided by Rishi Atrey Punarvasu. Physicians participated here from remotest country including Cambodia. The final treatment plan was then consolidated by Rishi Atrey Punarvasu after listening all the comments from the physicians. We see similar parishad  conference hall Sudharma at Dwarka also. This is extremely beautiful and grand academy hall at Dwarka. The same academy hall is seen in the "Varah" shape form at Kavatapuram.   

Kavatapuram city is known from Bhagwan Rama  to the age of Bhagwan Krishna.  The carbon dating of Dwarka attests that the city flourished in 3200 BCE. This carbon dating of Dwarka has helped us in understanding the age of  Kavatapuram which is  definitely existing in 3200 BCE. There is a minimum gap of 2500 years between Bhagwan Rama and Bhagwan Krishna. This gap may be more. This can be safely fixed that Kavatapuram existed from 5600 BCE to 3100 BCE in continuity. At 3100 BCE Dwarka submerged. This is the same date when Kavatapuram city also submerged under water carrying entire memory of the second Sangam Academy.  

Hence, the Kavitapuram is the same site what is identified in British record as the "Pandyan Tibu" ( Pandyan Island ) and where large Sangam Academy campus is found inside the Varah shape. To clarify the location,  Rishi  Valmiki is again elaborating in detail about the site:  

नदीम् गोदावरीम् चैव सर्वम् एव अनुपश्यत |

तथैव आन्ध्रान् च पुण्ड्रान् च चोलान् पाण्ड्यान् केरलान् |  4-41-12 ॥

The "चोलान् पाण्ड्यान् केरलान्" means "Kerala  under the control of Cholas and the Pandyans". Valmiki also mentions "आन्ध्रान्" ( present Andhra Pradesh ). In this way Valmiki has given clear picture up to the deep South tip of the present Tamil Nadu and Kerala. There is no any mention of "Kumari-Kandam" as separate island below Kanyakumari. I have also conducted satellite based deep search below the site of Kanyakumari. There is no any evidence of presence of human life below Kanyakumari. This is very deep sea area. Presence of any civilization in the remote past is just a mind imagination. So "Kumari-Kandam" is a modern artificial term of 20th century. It has nothing to do with the   ancient  "Kavatam City of the Pandyans" South of Rameshwaram,  as located by Valmiki.    

The "Kavatam City of the Pandyans" identified by Valmiki is an important identification mark. This mark is required to be matched with the British archive record "Pandyan Tivu" (meaning Pandyan Island). No body applied mind, why this site is identified as "Pandyan Tivu". This is a small island South of Rameshwarm filled with Archaeological treasures. Entire ancient land is submerged except a small visible area, which is identified also by common fisherman of Rameshwaram as  "Pandyan Tibu". Below this Pandyan Island vast ancient city of Kavatapuram is submerged. As stated earlier, this city has seen the time of    Bhagwan Rama to  Bhagwan Krishna, without any break. The Pandyan King at the time of Bhagwan Rama has supplied coral from the Pandyan Kingdom for the construction of the Rama Setu. This fact comes from the assessment of blank coral pockets seen by satellite at various places. 

Kishkindha ( present Hampi ) by that time was a powerful Kingdom. The entire Rameshwaram area appears under the control of Kishkindha at the time of Bhagwan Rama. This is one reason the fine engineering minds from Hampi provided logistic military support to Bhagwan Rama for constructing the bridge. Necessary coral as raw material needed for the floating bridge construction was sourced from the nearby Kavatapuram city. Otherwise there is no any suitable reason that why the coral pockets, at the city of Kavatapuram are empty.     

I used previously satellite based detection of searching the submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna using the Analogue Technique. I developed the Analogue Technique sometime before 2013. This technique is a new and novel experiment in the satellite science. It has wide application in other branches of Science also. The real impact of Analogue Technique can be seen how clear images the satellite has given from the submerged Kavatapuram site. 

By now the high resolution satellite has given important data on the Kavatapuram site. The Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna and the city of Kavatapuram submerged at the same time. The Dwarka people migrated towards Punjab at Harappa and the people of Kavatapuram shifted to the present Madurai.  The Government of India and the Tamil Nadu Government both  should take necessary steps  to protect the site immediately.  This site contains many precious and valuable artifacts, which may definitely help us to improve our knowledge on  Dwarka and Harappa.  

(All images produced below are protected from the intellectual property law. Any commercial use is not permitted without the written permission of this author).   

☝Kavatapuram city, where Second Sangam Academy took place.  The Academy planning and construction is   in Varah shape. First frame is showing the  original picture of the Sangam Academy campus. The Second frame is a hand drawn line over the original image. This is important  to mark that during second Sangam Academy conference the Pandyan King had constructed grand conference buildings. This is also reflected in the ancient Tamil records. The image of buildings  constructed inside Varah shape appear conference hall rather than small people dwelling house. The residential dwelling house  is seen frequently spread  outside the premise of this Sangam Academy campus.     

☝Kavatpuram City in Marine Archaeology

☝King's Palace at Kavatpuram City. This is the prominent and large campus with big central building. This is separated from common people buildings.    

☝Large removal of coral,  down side of the town   Kavatapuram is a mind-blowing site. This site has sourced coral to Bhagwan Rama for constructing the floating bridge, what we call the Rama -Setu. Entire area is empty. Although India has lost that science of floating bridge construction. But this facility was made available by the  Hampi engineers to Bhagwan Rama  for crossing the sea between Rameshwaram to Sri Lanka.     

Archaeology : The Academy Buildings of Kavitapuram - Agastya Sanhita - Age of Bhagwan Rama:  

The "Agastya Samhita" is a very ancient and rare book on Rama worship. Mantras from "Agastya Samhita" are quoted in many books of Ramanandacharya. In the 18th chapter of the "Agastya Samhita" there is mention of Rama worship being done through Vedic Yagya method. Rishi Agastya is the middle link who worships Rama in Sanskrit and Tamil language simultaneously. This incident took place when Bhagwan Rama has returned to Ayodhya after conquering Lanka. He is now seated on the seat of divinity in the minds of people. Rishi Agastya of the first Tamil Sangam Academy, Rishi Agastya of "Agastya Samhita" and Rishi Agastya mentioned in the Rigveda are the same. Now the question arises whether Rishi Agastya organized the first Tamil Sangam Academy before "Rama Vijay" or after that. The answer is found later. In any case, Rishi Agastya conducted the first Tamil Sangam Academy after  Bhagwan Rama's victory over Lanka. Therefore, the first Tamil Sangam is full of Vaishnava worship.Therefore Maharishi Valmiki knows about Kavitapuram of the Pandyan Kingdom, but he does not have any information about the Tamil Sangam held there. It was after the conquest of Lanka that Sage Agastya wrote the "Agastya Samhita". The first Sangam Academy where Sage Agastya was present is mentioned to have been held in ancient Madurai. The ancient Madurai is the Kavitapuram City. Many distorted elements and distorted facts about Tamil society have come into our history because the people of India, despite being knowledgeable, forgot their own history. They understood the history that the British told them. This is the same Kavitapuram where Bhagwan Krishna came from Dwarka to Preside as Chief of the second Sangam Academy. This second Sangam Academy  was extremely grand. Large and grand Academy  halls were built where more than three thousand scholars participated. In archaeology these grand and large Academy  halls have been recovered at submerged Kavitapuram. These Academy halls were just like the Sudharma Sabha of Dwarka. Which was adorned by Bhagwan Krishna in Kavitapuram. Kavitapuram is the ideal meeting point of Bhagwan Rama and Bhagwan Krishna.



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