The Hydrological Engineering of Bhagwan Krishna's Dwarka
☝ Image One: This is an important archaeological discovery of Bhagwan Krishna's Dwarka . This shows the top side of the visual in the Analogue Technique. This is showing the important hydrological engineering arrangement of Bhagwan Krishna's Dwarka. The rain water was stored at the top "Drinking Storage Area" . This dam with semi circular plastered check dam was built at a very high level then the sea level. A stream of storage water seeps to the sea area, in green patch. Both the sides of the "Water Storage Area", a heavy and dense human settlement is seen with houses in straight rows and boundary walls at both the two sides. ☝ Image Two: This is a sensor captured data under the Water Storage Area. The area is deep sallow, with semi circle check dam built at the top. This demonstrates, the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna was receiving heavy rain fall, during its glorious period. Drinking water has remained an important ingredient for survival of any civili