Bhagwan Krishna Charitam And His Historical Reference


Bhagwan Krishna in the Madhubani Painting 

Writing something about Bhagwan Krishna is very difficult. I am not so much qualified to touch or pen down His brilliance. His historical reference is very vast. I have just collected the tip of the iceberg.  

The action line on touching the discovery on the archaeology of Dwarka  in India is one subject of immense political nature. After independence, in India, from the Central Government side, this subject has remained an  "untouchable" or simply "taboo" area. The Indian agency, the  Archaeological Survey of India, which is  responsible for discovery and protection of Dwarka, placed Dwarka,   neglected for many years to retain the secular impression. 

India,  failed to learn from Israel.  The Israel Government top priority is science, innovation, defense, development and above all pumping fund for the archaeological research, to strengthen the base of Israel culture. The exploration of Khirbet Qana  is one strong example. The  discovery of  8000 years-old "Mother Goddess" figurine at Sha’ar HaGolan archaeological site is another example. The Israel Government, feels pride in its archaeological discoveries. But, in India situation is different. Two forces worked here. The first force is the secular environment. In this environment,  no body is permitted to speak about the archaeology of Bhagwan Krishna. As this, disturbs the peaceful fabric of the secular network ! The second  force is the bogus concept of the Aryan Invasion Theory at 1500 BCE. According to this bogus theory, peaceful Sanskrit speaking people attacked India in 1500 BCE from Central Asia. They killed and driven away the Tamil speaking people from the North west of India. Hence, any appearance of Bhagwan Krishna in India disturbs only the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory. In  order to protect the bogus theory, for more than 75 years the historians considered Mahabharat and Bhagwan Krishna as mythical. The poor mindset and active consideration of the two forces cited here, allowed little or poor research on the archaeology of the Mahabharat period. The Central Government, intentionally avoided the subject to please the vote bank.  

In 1963 the Deccan College Pune and the Government of Gujarat under Dr HD Sankalia tried to search down Dwarka. The identified site was enriched further by Dr SR Rao in 80 and his extensive and wonderful work carried at the "Bet-Dwarka". He had proposed for further research on the site. The proposal never saw the light. The Central Government, obstructed Dr Rao and his team efforts to maintain the secular impression. It overlooked the brilliant observation and note of the First Indian Conference of the Marine Archaeology held at Jamnagar, Gujarat in 1987. This conference, had appreciated the scientific achievements of Dr SR Rao and his team findings at  Dwarka. 

The Satpath Brahman ( ); the Taittiriya Samhita ( 3.2. 93 ) and  the Taittiriya Brahmana ( ) connect the Vrishni dynasty with Bhagwan Krishna. The Vajsanai Samhita ( 1.4.83), Kathopanishad ( 6.34 ); the Taittiriya samhita ( 3.10 ) and the Madhyandin Samhita ( 3.9 ) identify  Bhagwati Radha of Bhagwan Krishna. The Satpath Brahman ( 2.1.5-4) identify "Gopala". A name appellation of Bhagwan Krishna. The Jain version of the Mahabharat and the Harivans of Jinasen identify Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. The detail of Dwarka  is also found with rich reference in the Jain work by Hemchandra in  the "Trishasti-Shalaka-Purusha Charita". Apart from that  the Satpath Brahman records brilliant presence of Bhagwan Krishna. For example  in 10.71.13 Bhagwan Krishna is present with King Ugrasen; in 10.71.13 to  10.71.21,  reference is seen of Bhagwan Krishna and the grand military movement from the Dwarka to Delhi ( Indraprastha ). While moving from Dwarka to Delhi, Bhagwan Krishna crossed Vinasan; Marudesa; Sauvira and Anarta. After crossing River Sarasvati  and River Drishadvati, Bhagwan Krishna is passing through Matsya Kingdom ( Jaipur ). The Jaipur Delhi highway is the ancient route connecting Dwarka to Delhi. This is not modern route. The Satpath Brahman ( 1.10.34-35) describes the Sarswat Province, near desert with scanty water. This Saraswat province is important. The Mahabharat says, after the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna submerged, the people of Dwarka migrated and settled at the Saraswat Province. This Saraswat Province was located on the banks of the River Sarasvati and the River Indus. This was none other than the present Mohan-Jodaro and other settlements. 

Whatever be,  the traditional history spread in the various literatures, of India record Dwarka. This is seen  in the Mahabharata; Harivans; Vayu Puran; Matsya Puran and  Bhagvatam Puran. In the Ashtadhyayi of Panani, the "Chakratirth"  is mentioned as the memory of Bhagwan Krishna after Dwarka is submerged. This "Chakratirth" is situated near River Gomti, where present Dwarkadhish temple is situated.  Tradition places, the effort and contribution of the Grand-Son of Bhagwan Krishna for constructing the present temple in the memory of Bhagwan Krishna at the Dwarkadhish Temple and at the Bet-Dwarka. This reference alone confirms,  ancient Dwarka is situated away from this Dwarkadhish Temple and the Bet-Dwarka.   The Mahabhashya of Patanjali, based on some ancient reference,  describes Dwarka in detail. It says Bhagwan Krishna as "Supreme King" ( not ordinary King ). The old Tamil Sangam, goes against the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory. This says, after the Dwarka submerged, people of this town moved to South India and merged with the Chera lineage. 

Jiva Gosvami  ( 14th Cent AD ) in his Krishna Sandarbha ( 181.16 ) mentions the original site of the submerged Dwarka. This is the middle of the ocean. The Palitana Copper Plates of the Samanta Sinhaditya mentions Dwarka as the capital of Sourashtra, where Bhagwan Krishna lived. The Mora inscription from Mathura says : "bhagavatam vrisninam panchaviranam". This refers Bhagwan Krishna as one of the five Great heroes. 

The rich and bright reference in our ancient literatures confirm, Bhagwan Krishna and His Dwarka as  historical reference. This is non acceptable only to the secular establishments in India and the group which believes the bogus Aryan Invasion theory.   

          Jiva Gosvami in his Krishna -Sandarbh describes the exact position of the Submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. This is middle of the Ocean.The three above shown islands are covered with one common fort wall. The fort wall resembles the shape of Cow head ( top ), Conch ( middle ) and Kumbh ( bottom ).   The above photograph is an image captured by this author through satellite as the pursuit of the Space Archaeology on the ancient Dwarka.    


  1. आप का प्रयास वंदनीय है ।इसी के कारण अनेकों मिथ्या धारणाएं भस्मीभूत हुई हैं । भविष्य के लिए मेरी ईश्वर से प्रार्थना है कि आप को निरंतर सफलता प्रदान करे ।
    जय योगेश्वर


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