Bhagwan Krishna In The Omkar Symbolism


After the Dwarka Town submerged, the migratory people from this town, carried and established many symbolisms about Bhagwan Krishna at the new established town of the Mohan-Jodaro. They carried the writing skill of the age of Bhagwan Krishna at the Mohan-Jodaro. The first letter of this alphabet was the "OM". One of the important seals from the Mohan-Jodaro, mentions the first letter of this alphabet - "OM". This letter is widely known in the Sanskrit literatures as the "pranav- akshar". The Mohan-Jodaro "pranav- akshar" links this "bow shaped symbolism" with Bhagwan Krishna.    

Letter sign, "pranav-akshar" is of great importance in all the Indian languages.  "OM" is seen in the North Indian Script like the Devanagari. In the South Indian Scripts- Kannada and Telegu retained the original orientation as found on the Mohan-Jodaro seal. The Tamil "OM" sign is oriented like the North Indian Devanagari. The famous symbolism  - bow shaped "pranav-akshar" as shown on the Indus seal,  is found in several ancient texts like the Mundakopanishad  and the Katha Upanishads as well as the Gita. In the Mundaka (2.2.4) we find following explicit description:

ॐ प्रणवो धनु: शरो ह्यात्मा ब्रह्म तल्लक्ष्यमुच्यते । अप्रमत्तेन वेद्धव्यं शरवत्तन्मयो भवेत् ।।  ( मुण्डकोपनिषद - 2.2.4 )

pranavo dhanuh sarohyatma brahma tallaksyamucyate; 

apramattena veddhavyam saravattaanmayo bhavet

(Om is the bow , the soul is the arrow, Brahma is the target. With full concentration aim at the target and strike, to become one with Brahma,  just as the arrow becomes one with the target. ) 

The Katha Upanishad -1.2.16 has the following verse expressing similar idea in the Bhagavad Gita ( Chapter 8, Verse 3 )

अक्षरं ब्रह्म परमं स्वभावोऽध्यात्ममुच्यते |

भूतभावोद्भवकरो विसर्ग: कर्मसञ्ज्ञित: || 3||

akṣharaṁ brahma paramaṁ svabhāvo ’dhyātmam uchyate

bhūta-bhāvodbhava-karo visargaḥ karma-sanjñitaḥ

(For this letter is Brahman , this letter is supreme. If one knows this letter, whatever one desires,  is his ).

The Bhagwadgita ( 15.1 )  has the same similar description:

ऊर्ध्वमूलमध:शाखमश्वत्थं प्राहुरव्ययम् |

छन्दांसि यस्य पर्णानि यस्तं वेद स वेदवित् ||

ūrdhva-mūlam adhaḥ-śākham aśvatthaḿ prāhur avyayam

chandāḿsi yasya parṇāni yas taḿ veda sa veda-vit

(He who knows the "asvatth" tree with its roots above and branches down - whose leaves are  the Vedas, said to be imperishable, and he who knows it,  knows the Vedas ). 

This is exactly the "OM" symbolism. This links the Katha ( 2-3-1) with the Gita :

urdhavamulo vaksakha eso asvatthah sanatanah

tadeva  sukram tadbrahma tadevamrtamuccyate;

tasmilloka sritah sarve tadunatyeti kascana. 

(This is an eternal "asvattha" tree with root above but branches downwards. It is He that is called the Shining one and Immortal. all the worlds are established in Him and none transcends Him). 

Asvattha has been identified with Bhagwan Krishna & deep down to  Vishnu symbolism in the Rigveda.  The Rigveda (X-97.5), explains this symbolism:  "asvatthe nisadanam parne vo vasatiskrta" - "your abode is the asvattha tree".

This is true the Mohan-Jodaro seal , mentions the abode of Bhagwan Krishna in the "asvattha" tree. This important seal way back 2000 was demonstrated by Dr Jha and Dr Rajaram in their important book - The Deciphered Indus Script.  The message on the seal, what Dr. Jha and Dr. Rajaram read is again filled with the Brahmi symbolism. They read -  vardah sah redhateThe content of the seal again connects with the fourth mandala of the Rigveda.

This demonstrates the sound and high quality knowledge of the Mohan-Jodaro  People. Some twenty  years back the Harvard University has claimed that the people of  Indus Civilization  were "uneducated". They were not able to  read or write ! This statement do not need any discussion. This only shows the  quality of the Harvard University, where it is moving ! 

© Birendra K Jha    


See English presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Discovery of Dwarka" by Birendra K Jha

See Hindi presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Dwarka-Ki-Khoj" by Birendra K Jha   



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