Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna And The Indus Seals


There is a passage in the Mahabharat which says that after the Dwarka submerged, people of this town moved towards the Mohenjodaro and created a new town. This new creation of town  as per Carbon 14 test is 3100 BCE. In the new town of Mohenjodaro, many symbolisms are associated with Bhagwan Krishna. Marshall and Banerjee, as archaeologists failed to match honestly the symbolisms with the Mahabharat. For them either Mahabharat was difficult  to understand or it was still "a disease of language" what Maxmuller has coined and weaved earlier. The colonial idea of Mohenjodaro remained in India until in 1994 my father, Dr Jha,  did a breakthrough. 

Scholars around the world in 1994 came to know from Dr Jha, his Hindi monograph "Sindhu Mudraon ki Lipi ke Vacana ki Nayi Disha", this was published by  the Sampurnanand Sanskrit University, Varanasi. The English version appeared under the title "A New Direction in the Study of the Indus Seals" in the Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society, Bangalore ( Vol LXXXVIII, No. 2 -April - June 1997 ). This contained notes and comments from Dr NS Rajaram from Bangalore. The central theme of this text appeared in Chapter 4 of Dr. Jha and Dr. Rajaram's important work - The Deciphered Indus Script. This important work  was published in the year  2000 from the  Aditya Prakashan, New Delhi.  They demonstrated that Mahabharat is a product of the Vedic age and a part of the Vedic Itihas - Purana historical tradition. They clearly demonstrated that the Vedic texts ( Nighantu )  and indexes ( Anukrmani ) have symbolic relations themes, concept and beliefs found in the Samhitas and Upanishads. They have clearly demonstrated further that the seals must have served as the  link between the auxiliary Vedic texts and the primary texts. They examined Yask's Nighantu in detail. Yask himself says - 

"He is handling a Vedic glossary  that was "handed down by tradition". 

This tells, he is not the originator of the Nighantu, but he is the 14th teacher of that tradition. Before him 13th teachers already passed, who worked on the Vedic words that have  lost. The exact words of Yask , who wrote commentary of Nirukta, ( translated by Dr. Lakshman Swaroop) is given below to understand the relevance of the Mohenjodaro seals :

"A traditional list of words has been handed down to us. They are words quoted from the Vedas. Having been repeatedly gathered from Vedic hymns, they have been handed down by tradition."   

This account of Yask is also preserved in the Mahabharat. Here Mahabharat records search of some Vedic words written on clay seals by Yask, which dispersed in the flood mud. Here Dr. Jha and Dr. Rajaram, demonstrate very clearly that the product of this search operation of Yask as mentioned in the  Mahabharat appeared on the Mohenjodaro and the Harappa seals. Where search operation was conducted ? On this point, the Mahabharat is silent. It appears,  on this search operation Bhagwan Krishna is deeply associated. Hence, this was conducted somewhere at the Dwarka, which was big town spread from the Gulf of Kutch to the Great Runn of Kutch.  Unlocking this puzzle, is a big breakthrough  by Dr. Jha and Dr. Rajaram. They connected the relation between Yask- Mahabharat and the Indus Seals

Bhagwan Krishna and Veda Vyas with great respect have  mentioned the name of Yask. This clearly demonstrates that  Yask either is senior or a  contemporary teacher of Bhagwan Krishna's age. The same passage in the Mahabharat which   describes Yask's search operation, describes also the images found on the  Mohenjodaro seals.

The Mahabharat- Moksh Dharm - Santi Parv Chapter 330, gives this account, where Bhagwan Krishna is saying and revealing many important symbolisms that appeared on the Indus Seals:   

sipivisteti cakhyatam hinaroma ca yo bhavet 

tenavistam tu yat kincicchipivisteti ca smrtah ( 6)   

("My name sipivista, the state of being without rays is called sipi. The meaning of the word vista is to spread out. In a formless state. I extend throughout the universe. I am therefore called sipivista." )

Bhagwan Krishna saying again: 

stutva mam sipivisteti yaska -rsirudaradhih

matprasadadho nastam niruktamabhijagmivan  (8)

("Yask, sage of vast intellect, having prayed to me as sipivista , through my grace regained the science of Nirukta, lost in the depths of Earth and wrote his Nirukta based on it.")

Here word "Adhonashtam" meaning is "lost in the depths of Earth". Further, term is "wrote Nirukta".  This clearly means some written words on clay seals before Yask, which buried under the depth of Earth in some flood like situation. This  verse is very important. Yask search operation, for recovering "some material" from deep Earth, where Vedic words are written, is pointing towards some hard substances, which  can bear the load of rain and mud. On these hard substances, Vedic words are written. Definitely these hard substances are the clay seals. Before Yask, these seals, necessarily were a part of the seal library. Yask in this verse is recovering some written material and again he is rewriting the subject for the seal library.

Here a word of caution is required. All seals are not the part of the seal library. Some are also related with pure commercial transactions, bearing in majority the symbol of Bhagwan Krishna as the Unicorn Bull.    

The Mahabharat account moves further. Bhagwan Krishna says : 

vrso hi bhagavan dharmah khyato lokesu bharata 

naighantuka padakhyane viddhi mam vrsamuttamam (23)

("Bhagwan Dharma is renowned in all the worlds as vrsa. In the Naighantuk Padakhyana it is given that the meaning of vrsa is dharma. Understand therefore that I ( Bhagwan Krishna ) of high dharma  am the Magnificent Bull - vrsamuttamam .)

In this verse Bhagwan Krishna is speaking as Vishnu. Where He is the embodiment of dharma. This is expressed in symbolism with the form of Magnificent Bull with which Indra was also symbolically identified as embodiment of dharma. This shows that followers of Bhagwan Krishna  had begun to claim  Bhagwan Krishna, as supreme deity, instead of Indra. 

Bhagwan Krishna again says in verse 24:

kapirvaraha sresthaca dharmascha vrsa ucyate;

tasmad vrsakapih praha kasyapo mam prajaptih. (24)

( The meaning of the word Kapi is varaha and supreme being ( srestha) and dharma is called vrsa. Because I am the embodiment of the supreme varaha and dharma, Kashyapa  Prajapati proclaimed me as vrsakapi in his Nighantuk Padakhyan.)

Here again Bhagwan Krishna claims many attributes of the Vedic deities, notably Indra. Bhagwan Krishna as avatar of Vishnu is invoking a very ancient source of information linked with Kashyap Prajapati. After this attribute and clarification of the term Vrishakapi, Bhagwan Krishna explains further:

ekasrngah pura bhutva varaho divyadarsanah; 

imam coddhrtavan bhumim ekasrngastato hyaham. ( 27)

( In ancient times I had assumed the form of a one horned varah -"varaho divyadarsanah" -  as divine apparition - to lift the earth out of the flooding waters and bring happiness to the world. Therefore, I am called ekasrnga- one - horned. ) 

This describes the famous and enigmatic Unicorn Bull found on the numerous Indus seals. It represents the one-horned divine-apparition  varaha that saved the world from deluge and rescued also the Vedas. This portion of the verse immediately connects with the verse 8 above mentioned, where Vedas, in written words on some seals  perished under the Earth due to  flood and the same was recovered.  

Bhagwan Krishna says further in verse 28:

tathaivasam trikakudo varaham rupmasthitah 

trikakut tena vikhyatah sarirasya tu mapanat ( 28).

( In like manner after assuming the form of varaha, there were three heads to the body. For the reason of this body shape I am renowned also as trikakut ( with three  heads ).

Here  again we have the mysterious creature from the Indus Seals bearing three heads. These three important symbolisms are key to the decipherment of the Indus Seals, which are necessarily linked with the age of the Mahabharat. All these assets are coming from the Mahabharat. This is clear evidence that the, Dwarka people which created the Harappan Civilization  was part of the civilization of the Rigveda.  The Indus seals  symbolisms are Vedic  and so is the language, then only  justice can  be done to the Harappans and the civilization they created after the Dwarka submerged.     

British Intelligence And The Indian History:  

During the sepoy mutiny of 1857, British administration from England to India received major setback from the Indians. British secretly planned to divide India for avoiding another mutiny. This division was  based on race and religion. British Intelligence Department created a position at the Oxford University in 1868 for  Maxmuller. The purpose of this position was to address the Ancient Sanskrit literatures, in colonial way and educate the Indians about the Christian superiority over the traditional Sanskrit knowledge. British Intelligence, picked Maxmuller, for his  popular but the bogus Aryan Invasion theory (AIT) in 1853 CE. According to Maxmuller, the northern India was invaded and conquered by the light-skinned Sanskrit speaking Aryan race. He charged the Aryans, for overthrowing the black-skinned Tamil speaking communities. 

In Colonial India, over gentle Sanskrit Pandits, failed to understand in English,  what Maxmuller is writing or creating for the Indians. Maxmuller picked immediately Raja Ram Mohan Roy of Brahma-Samaj  for his purpose. He was one of the modern thinkers in Bengal,  who appreciated Maxmuller and his move to educate the Indians. Maxmuller divided India, on North and South on the basis of race. Many political parties in India for political gain adopted Maxmuller's plan on the Aryan Invasion. 

On the Aryan Invasion, where Maxmuller found this clue in the Rigveda ? On this point he maintained a suspicious silence !  His defective translation from Sanskrit to English, become the most cited reference books. He selectively was heading the recruitment panel  for the Indian Civil Service. He picked right officers,  who believe in the Aryan Invasion Theory. Other than Dayanand Sarasvati, most of the Indians, who were living in India with "slave mentality", accepted Maxmuller's version and opinion.

Dayanand Sarasvati, first time challenged Maxmuller for his bogus theory. He attacked Maxmuller for his poor knowledge of Sanskrit and defective English work of the Rigveda and other books, translated with ulterior motive  to convert the Indians into Christianity. Dayanand Sarasvati openly challenged Maxmuller to do "Sastriya Vaad-Vivaad" (debate ). He  was so strong in his points, that Maxmuller never replied on his countercharge or visited India in fear to save his face on his poor knowledge on the Sanskrit language.  

In this backdrop Mohenjodaro site came into existence in 1919. Maxmuller and his  position in the British administration was very strong. Maxmuller, designed the Indian Chronology, where Indian Civilization originates after the Aryan Invasion at 1500 BCE. He failed to understand the period of the Ramayan and the Mahabharat. He used a simple trick "epic" and "mythology" to keep them outside the chronology.  Desperately to keep live the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory, he reduced the age of Chandragupta Maurya from 1516 BCE to 320 BCE.  

John Marshall or other Indian Archaeologists continued the bogus Maxmuller's approach in understanding the Mohenjodaro site. John Marshall and  Rakhal Das Banerjee failed to understand Mohenjodaro correctly. They failed to read and understand further, the ancient Brahmi similarities over the Indus Script. They failed to understand many more things. They painted the Mohenjodaro a site of hate between the North Indians and the South Indians, what Maxmuller has planned earlier. This was  a blot in the arena of Archaeological science, where bogus theory ruled the science for more than 100 years. John Marshall and Banerjee arbitrarily closed their eyes on the periods of the Mahabharat. For them, again it was Maxmuller, who coined  Mahabharat as the creation of "a disease of language". He hints Mahabharat as the disease of the  Sanskrit speaking communities. A language on which he earned the highest ever paid remuneration at the Oxford from the British Intelligence.  

© Birendra K Jha    


See English presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Discovery of Dwarka" by Birendra K Jha

See Hindi presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Dwarka-Ki-Khoj" by Birendra K Jha   


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