Scientific Dating of Dwarka


☝ Dr.SR Rao identified this  site near Khuda Dost Dargah at the Bet-Dwarka island, which exposed perforated pot sherds, what Dr Rao calls it the   Harappan site. This site can be seen only during the low tide. The scientific dating at Australia revealed the age of 3260 + - 470 years BP  of this potsherd.  ( Source: Dr SR Rao ) 

Bet-Dwarka island is not a submerged site. Most of the sites in the islands are occupied by the modern  Islamic structures. The actual Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna, is completely a submerged site under the sea-water,  which is mentioned widely in the Mahabharat. The first qualification of Bhagwan Krishna's  Dwarka site is that - it should must be a submerged site. The Bet-Dwarka site is not falling in this archaeological category, as this is not the Mahabharat mentioned submerged site.   

The discovery of the three islands by this author (see image below),  with major expansion towards the Great Runn of Kutch and beautiful but elegant Raajmahal built with white marble stone and white plate fish motif in the main island is the actual Dwarka. This site is located near about the middle of the ocean. This site is an immense important archaeological site, which is not known to the Government of India. Most of the researches, including the Pune's Deccan College explorations are conducted in easy sea-water surrounding the present Dwarkadhish Temple. No body applied mind in venturing and exploring the mid of the ocean, which is difficult sea. 

The age line of Bet-Dwarka:

The Carbon 14 says, the Bet-Dwarka  site came into existence after the original Dwarka site submerged. New temple built  here in the memory of Bhagwan Krishna by His Grand Son. Dr. SR Rao did his brilliant study around the  island of Bet-Dwarka. The Carbon 14 testing of the Bet-Dwarka potsherds reveal only the age and time period of events that are the Post Dwarka events. For brevity a Carbon 14 test study is given here to understand the age line of Dwarka and the Bet-Dwarka. This Carbon 14 test study is completely scientific. 

Earlier study documented,  potsherds from the Bet-Dwarka in three different layers. The first one is in the 2000 BCE to 1500 BCE ; the second one is in the 3rd Century BCE  to 5th century AD and the third one is in the 8th century to 15th century AD. There is absolute lack of scientific chronology in picking the right material for testing. Dr. SR Rao sample falls here.  These samples cover the potsherds  from the post Dwarka age,  2000 BCE to the 15th century AD. 

In low tide large number of ancient sites, which Dr. SR Rao calls the Harappan sites, are visible at the Bet-Dwarka. One such site is Khuda Dost Dargah.  Vora & Gaur have done extensive scientific examination of the potsherds from the low tidal Harappan settlements at the Bet-Dwarka to the potsherds found near the Hindu shrines.  

Thermoluminescence dating method has correctly placed  the potsherds in right place. This science has been used in understanding the age line of Bet-Dwarka potsherds. Nine potsherds have been collected from the 9 different Bet Dwarka sites including Nilkantha Mahadev Temple and Khuda Dost Dargah. The School of Geo-Science, University of Wollongong, Australia has dated the potsherds in BP.  BP means current year from 2002.  The nine potsherds are moving in the age line of 4500 BP; 4000 BP and 2000 BP. The perforated potsherd,  which is popularly believed Harrapan pottery falls at  3260 + - 470 years BP. Thus, this testing  puts this potsherd in a period between 3730 BP to 2790 BP. 

The age line of the Submerged Site of Dwarka:

But, the Carbon 14 testing of the submerged site is different. I have taken into account wide Carbon 14 testing data of the coral reef. The white typical plates, and the grand boundary fort walls of the ancient Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna is the place of coral reef now. This coral reef started growing, when Dwarka submerged. So the Carbon 14 age line of the coral gives, the  exact date when Dwarka submerged. The sample,  reveals the date line of 5240 + - 105 years BP. If we deduct 5240 years with 105 years it gives an age line of 3163 years BCE. This date falls and match exactly with the traditional Hindu calendar date. There is  a negligible difference of only 61 years between the Carbon 14 testing and the traditional period appearing in the  Hindu calendar. The Hindu calendar gives the exact date of the start of the Kali Samvat at  3102 BCE. The start of the Kali Samvat is the same year, when Dwarka submerged. 

Based on the Carbon 14 test report of the coral reef from the ancient Dwarka, the ancient data appearing in the Hindu calendar is 100% correct. 

Since, science is the ruling parameter. This data should must be cross checked with the Hindu calendar.  As per the Carbon 14 testing report  and the Hindu calendar date on the entry of the Kali Samvat, the date of the Dwarka submersion is confined to  3163 BCE to 3102 BCE. There is a negligible difference of 61 years. Since, the thermoluminescence dating and the dating mentioned in the Hindu calendar are very perfect. We can say safely, on the scientific tested data,  Dwarka submerged at 3100 BCE.


The age line of the Bet-Dwarka identified by Dr SR Rao  and the Submerged Dwarka sites identified and discovered  by this author, are both different. This difference of age line speaks the Bet-Dwarka came into existence after the original Dwarka site submerged. There is a passage in the Mahabharat which says, after the Dwarka submerged, people of the Dwarka town under the leadership of Grand Son of Bhagwan Krishna, shifted towards the Mohan-Jodaro and created a new town. Necessarily Mohan-Jodaro is a post Dwarka event, where migration took place at 3100 BCE. Again this information is coming from the ancient historical literatures that 36 years before the date of the Dwarka submersion, the Great Mahabharat War took place at the battle field of Kurukshetra.  Our ancient Indian history,  surrounds around the Dwarka and the Mahabharat age. This is not the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory, supplied by the British to rule Colonial India. The bogus theory, which has no historical record in our ancient literatures,  is now dead.    

Many people who fail to understand ancient Sanskrit language, blame the book of the Mahabharat as mythical. But, the science has broken and destroyed the mythical bogus wings.   

    ☝ Dr. SR Rao identified this site at the Bet-Dwarka island. This is still mound, not investigated so far ( Source: Dr SR Rao ) 

☝ The satellite backed with the analogue technology has changed the world of the Marine Archaeology. Now satellite can see - "Under The Sea" . This author discovered, the vast ancient artifacts including white marble built beautiful palace  of Bhagwan Krishna  in the three set islands covered with a common fort wall. On the fort wall, corals have grown. The living corals on this wall and the corals at the Salaya Port are of the same age period.  The age of the coral as per Carbon 14 testing  is 5240 + - 105 years BP  ( 3100 BCE ). This confirms, the corals on the  submerged Dwarka fort wall,  are of  very deep ancient period at 3100 BCE ,   then the Bet-Dwarka's perforated potsherd sample, which dates back only to 3730 BP. ( Image copyright protected : Birendra K Jha). 

☝ The wonder of the new technology in the Space Archaeology is that, now satellite  can see "Under The Sea", any ancient artifacts. This author developed the Analogue Technology, which allowed the satellite to deeply penetrate the difficult Sea -Water. Vast and beautiful white stone plates are seen here with fish motif. This is found in the white marble palace ( Raajmahal ) of Bhagwan Krishna. The top side of the white stone plates in the left and right side corners have green vegetation shade. This is living coral. This coral started developing on the white stone plates immediately, when Dwarka submerged. The age of this coral understood through the Carbon 14, decides accurately when the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna submerged. The Carbon 14 age of this coral is 3100 BCE.  ( Image copyright protected: Birendra K Jha ). 

☝ The Hindu Calendars  are regularly maintaining the record of the age of the Kali Samvat. In the Vikram Samvat 2056 and the Shalivahan Sak Samvat 1921, the total year of the Kali Samvat which passed is 5100 years. See the note written in the Sanskrit language - "5100 varshanii vyateetaanii". This note is appearing in a Hindu Calendar published from the Banaras Hindu University in 1998. In 2022 Hindu Calendar - total pass of the Kali Samvat is 5124 years. On reverse calculation this stands at 3102 BCE, when Dwarka submerged.

© Birendra K Jha of images and text. Exclusive,  the images from Dr SR Rao & BHU calendar   
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See English presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Discovery of Dwarka" by Birendra K Jha

See Hindi presentation on the Dwarka Discovery on You-Tube. Click the link 👇

"Dwarka-Ki-Khoj" by Birendra K Jha 


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