
Carbon Dating Age Of The Rama-Setu

  The Satellite in special band frequency penetrates sea water and looks the floating structure. Satellite record the floating bridge  impression in black color and ocean in ash color as visible below in the second satellite image. The yellow broken line shown in first picture below is the area, where actual floating bridge "Rama-Setu" has been constructed.  Scientists ignore this bridge and looks only the chain of lime shoal from Dahnushkoti to Sri Lanka.  The black  color floating surface is identified here as "Plug Fastener". Somewhere the floating bridge is damaged and the stones have removed. The ash color Ocean is visible from where the stone has been removed.  The black surface area in the satellite image is the actual interest area. This has never been Carbon Dated. Though Carbon Dating is the most scientific technique applied in the field of  archaeology and ancient heritage. The  carbonate compounds, i.e., Mortar, is an artificial produc...

"Rama-Setu": The Wonder of the Marine Archaeology In India.

Legal challenges- The Archaeological Survey of India, in an affidavit in court, rejected the existence of the "Ram-Setu".  Later, the affidavit was withdrawn and two ASI officials were suspended. This reflects the poor state of quality of the Marine Archaeological Wing of the ASI. The ASI needs to improve this state of affairs. Here a perspective of the "Ram-Setu" is given. This is the height  of the Marine Archaeological Science, where the Satellite data in specific band frequency examines the composition of the Ram-Setu. This has been detected that in between Dhanushkoti (India ) and Tallaimannar, there has been several natural islands. That natural islands were connected with artificial "Plug Fastener". All the images produced here from the Satellite,  shall not be used without proper written permission from the author.    * Birendra K Jha                                  ...

Tryst with Destiny: Rakhigadhi Site.

Rakhigadhi Mound: This compact layer found from the bank of the dried River Sarasvati, covers three periods, Mahabharat, Ramayan and the Rigveda. The height of mound can be calculated using the height of animal just passing below the mound. This site is again using the old obsolete method of excavation in 2024. Modern technology like Satellite science is still far away. This is major reason that the agency is  far behind the target. In Marine Archaeology use of Satellite science is very successful. This is demonstrated here that how the Satellite science shall be used  in detecting the Archaeological treasures under the Earth at Rakhigadhi.          * Birendra K Jha                                                                                  ...

Search of Lost Kavatapuram in Tamil Nadu - The ancient contemporary site of Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna.

Britishers understood very clearly that the Indians are very poor in their own history. Better they divided the  Indians to meet out their own policies. Even after 78 years of India's independence Indians do not know what is the historical record preserved in the Ramayan, Tamil Sangam or the Mahabharat. They just believe on bogus and blind theories supplied by the Britishers. Who were here to rule the Indians, without mind.   *BIRENDRA K JHA   Email: The  first two Tamil Sangam Academy conference were conducted at Kavatapuram. This city in the Mahabharat era submerged in the sea. The people of the submerged   Kavatapuram  city,  migrated to the  present-day city of Madurai. The last  Sangam Academy at Kavatapuram had  huge fifty-nine members handling different subjects and about 3,700 persons, who  had attended this conference. In this Academy conference, Bhagwan Krishna mentioned as the King ...

"Kavatapuram Town" - The Lost Land of the Pandyan Kingdom.

The Satellite Science has broken the bogus fantasy spread in the name of Archaeology and history. The Science established that the Bhartiya traditional knowledge preserved in the literatures of the Tamil Sangam, Mahabharat and the Puranas are true. In old archives there is a mention of  the "Pandian Tivu".  Pandian Tivu means the  Island of the Pandyan's Kingdom. When entire Kingdom submerged, then the uppermost part of the land, which remained survived has been an identification point of local people traditionally to identify and relate it with the Pandyan Kingdom. The Government of India and the Tamil Nadu Government both failed to apply mind that the ancient & vast Pandian Kingdom is just submerged below this island. The city of the  Pandyan Kingdom is "Kavatapuram".  This city was existing when Bhagwan Krishna's  Grand City Dwarka was present in the Gulf of Kutch. The "Kavatapuram" and the Dwarka City both are Pre-Harappan sites.    *Bire...

सेटेलाइट वैज्ञानिक सर्वेक्षण तथा स्थल सर्वेक्षण में वाराणसी का प्राचीन मंदिर

  रेड कलर बैंड में वाराणसी के पास हाल में मिले हिन्दू पक्ष के चिन्हित शिवलिंग स्थल ( वजू स्थान ) के बाहर लगभग ६. ३ मीटर आगे एक गोल रूप में  जमीन के अंदर प्राचीन ढांचे के होने  की सूचना दे रही है।   लगभग १८०० किलोग्राम का लैंडसेट उपग्रह पृथ्वी से कोई ९०० किलो मीटर ऊपर से , वाराणसी के बाबा विश्वनाथ को अपने शक्तिशाली नेत्र से देख रहा  है। इसकी वैज्ञानिक विश्लेषण करने की क्षमता अद्भुत है। दो विभिन्न अवस्थाओं में इस परिसर को देखी गई है।  सामान्य अवस्था (पहला चित्र) ,  असामान्य अवस्था - रेड कलर बैंड  लाइट में स्थल जांच (दूसरा चित्र) तथा असामान्य अवस्था - रेड कलर बैंड  लाइट - गोलाकार रूप में वर्णित ढांचा स्थल (तीसरा  चित्र) । पहला चित्र और तीसरे चित्र का तुलनात्मक अध्ययन करने पर तीसरे चित्र के पीले रेखा में  वर्णित स्थल को   ध्यान से देखें।  इस स्थल पर उजले रंग के गहरे निशान  बन रहे हैं जो जमीन में दबे ढांचे  से निकल रही ऊर्जा को रेड कलर बैंड  ने पकड़ी है।     सामान्य अवस्था (पहला चित्र ) अ...