"Rama-Setu": The Wonder of the Marine Archaeology In India.
Legal challenges- The Archaeological Survey of India, in an affidavit in court, rejected the existence of the "Ram-Setu". Later, the affidavit was withdrawn and two ASI officials were suspended. This reflects the poor state of quality of the Marine Archaeological Wing of the ASI. The ASI needs to improve this state of affairs. Here a perspective of the "Ram-Setu" is given. This is the height of the Marine Archaeological Science, where the Satellite data in specific band frequency examines the composition of the Ram-Setu. This has been detected that in between Dhanushkoti (India ) and Tallaimannar, there has been several natural islands. That natural islands were connected with artificial "Plug Fastener". All the images produced here from the Satellite, shall not be used without proper written permission from the author.
* Birendra K Jha
Email: birendrajha03@yahoo.com
The "Ram-Setu" is subject of the Marine Archaeology. The Marine Archaeology in India is extremely poor. This is the reason Dwarka at Gujarat, Kavatapuram at Tamil Nadu and Ram-Setu, linking Dhanushkoti (India) and Tallaimannar (Sri Lanka) are still not detected by the ASI. This speaks the poor quality of people, looking the Marine Archaeology in India. I shall touch here the "Ram-Setu" issue, purely from the "Marine Archaeological" point of view and citing some Archeological materials like the ancient copper plate and coins to put a new light on the "Rama-Setu".
Satellite Data:
The Ram-Setu has been examined in satellite in three different band frequency. The satellite band frequency as shown in the first image has ability to penetrate sea water and look the surface structure. This clearly segregates the product composition in two different colors. The "Plug Fastener" is the specific Archaeological interest. This "Plug Fastener" is the real bridge from India to Sri-Lanka.
Satellite looks here clearly natural islands spread in between Dhanushkoti and Tallaimannar (Sri Lanka). These Further, individual island platform detected in white color are joint together with a dense packed "Plug Fastener" of different material composition. This entire "Plug Fastener" is detected by Satellite in black color. This is major breakthrough. These human made "Plug Fastener", links the entire natural islands. This feature discovery is the material interest of Archaeology.
The satellite at band frequency in ratio (B8-B4) / (B8+B4) has been used here to examine the "Ram-Setu", material composition. The band frequency (B8-B4) / (B8+B4) segregated two different mineral composition in two different colors. This color difference is of Archaeological interest. The natural island in white color is same in different lime shoal natural island chain. This chain of lime shoal is interlinked with "Plug Fastener" in black color from Dhanushkoti to Talaimannar. This black color speaks different composition other than the mainland mineral composition. Further the feature of "Plug Fastener" is completely Civil Engineering features. The "Plug Fastener" is used in dense quantities at both the two ends ( Dhanushkoti and Tallaimannar ). The white natural island mineral composition is of lime rock, but the "Plug Fastener" component is made with "dead coral".
The satellite band frequency specific structure examination, changes so far the poor perception about Bhagwan Ram and His Ram-Setu. Look the following image taken in the band frequency (B8-B4) / (B8+B4). This shows clearly two different colors. The two different colors, exhibit two different mineral composition. Before looking this photograph Image One, the reader is advised to examine first Image Three and Image Four.
The Satellite band at ratio (B8-B4) / (B8+B4) again was used at the extreme right hand side near Tallaimannar, to examine the "Plug Fastener" feature. This revealed again sensitive data of Archaeological importance. In Image Three, red circle broken mark pocket and yellow circle marked pocket has been marked in original satellite picture. This reveals several human made plugs linking the island with the main land. The red circle marked "Plug" is placed in between the gap of the natural island. Similarly in top and bottom of this red circle marked area two more artificial plugs are seen. The yellow circle area is also features here plug formation. The main land is working here as plug inside the "black color fasteners". Here, the entire load of the whole bridge has been distributed here. Similar load is also distributed at the Dhanushkoti side. This human created "Plug Fastener" is never exposed so far in any Archaeological study on the "Ram-Setu". The "Plug Fastener" is human created. Nature can't create this type of engineering features. Just look the below Image - Three, where "Plug Fastener " feature is seen. This is marked in red and yellow color. I am surprised why this important engineering feature was not traced in earlier study.

Copper Plate & Coin Data:
In the lineage of Bhagwan Rama, Tamil Nadu has seen King Chola. The Chola dynasty is the descendent of Bhagwan Ram. The Chola inscriptions mention the names given by sage Vasishtha at the time of Shri Ram-Janaki marriage. This is the genealogies of Bhagwan Ram. The names appearing in this genealogies, are same in both Chola and Ikshvaku genealogies till King Mandhata.
Chola's were great protector of the Sanatan Dharma in India. This is reflected in their architecture. A prime example of the Chola architecture is the Brihadisvara Temple at Thanjavur, built by Rajaraja I in 1010 AD. Chola has issued copper plates. These plates are valuable records from the Archaeology side. This is set of 31 plates, with the first nine inscribed in Sanskrit and the remaining 22 in Tamil. The tenth plate is detached and has one side inscribed in Sanskrit and the other in Tamil. K.V. Subrahmanya of Coimbatore published the copper plates in Epigraphia Indica in the mid-1930s. Rajendra Chola I, who ruled from Thanjavur in South India, between 1018-1048 CE, had recorded "Ram-Setu" on copper plates which are now known as the “Tiruvalangadu plates”. On one such plate, in verse no.80, Rajendra Chola inscribes about Bhagwan Rama building a bridge over the seas. This he has written after gaining control over Lanka. The inscription says:
"Bhagwan Ram, constructing a bridge across the water of the ocean, with vanara. He killed with great difficulty the king of Lanka with sharp edged arrows. The terrible general of Bhagwan Ram crossed the ocean by ships and burnt the King of Lanka. Hence Rama is remembered here by this Chola General" ( Refer Epigraphia Indica Volume 1 1892, Pg. 363 – 366 ).
This matches with the word "Nala-Setu" mentioned in the Mahabharatha 3.267.45. Mahabharat says:
“Even today, popular on Earth is Nala’s bridge, constructed with respect on Bhagwan Rama’s command.”
This entire historical documents matches with the Valmiki Ramayan Yuddhkand Chapt 22.74 as "Nal constructed bridge".
On the Sri Lankan side, one Hindu King was ruling at Jaffna, in between 1284 and 1597 CE. He issued a series of coins with the word "Setu" on it in Tamil. The Hindu King indicated that he is the custodian of the "Ram-Setu" bridge from the Lankan side. In Sri Lankan Coins the reverse side is seen in Tamil, as ‘Se-Tu-Pa-Ti’. This is exactly the "Nal-Setu". See following image from the Sri-Lankan Coins:
Image Eight.
The Satellite data has clearly revealed the human constructed bridge with "Plug Fastener" feature, joining the main land to different natural islands. This is the "Nala-constructed" bridge. Indians have forgotten this ancient science. The "Plug Fastener" is entirely water floating structure. A sample has been tested by me minutely, which reveals mineral composition of "dead coral". Badrinarayan in 2007 also identified it coral. This is the artificial floating stone, identified in satellite in black colors. Some pieces are exhibited at the Rameshwaram Temple. This is part of this entire floating structure, interlinked with the natural lime shoal islands. The source of coral to this site has been supplied from the nearby submerged Kavatapuram site. At Kavatapuram a blank pocket of corals are seen. This gives an inference that the large quantities of dead corals have been supplied for the Ram-Setu from the site of Kavatapuram, now submerged in the sea. Hence, the Ram-Setu is required to be protected by the ASI at any cost.
The ASI should refrain from filing any wrong affidavits in the Hon'ble Court, as done previously. Rather it should enhance the capability of the "Marine Archaeology". The quality of the present state is extremely poor. The present Director General of the ASI, Sri Yaduveer Singh Rawat has immense responsibility to improve the quality of the Marine Archaeology. No doubt he is under pressure. He has inherited from his past predecessors poor quality of Marine Archaeological wing.
This article is dedicated to Swami Chinmayakrishna of ISKCON who is courageously facing a very difficult situation in Bangladesh today.
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