Carbon Dating Age Of The Rama-Setu
The Satellite in special band frequency penetrates sea water and looks the floating structure. Satellite record the floating bridge impression in black color and ocean in ash color as visible below in the second satellite image. The yellow broken line shown in first picture below is the area, where actual floating bridge "Rama-Setu" has been constructed. Scientists ignore this bridge and looks only the chain of lime shoal from Dahnushkoti to Sri Lanka. The black color floating surface is identified here as "Plug Fastener". Somewhere the floating bridge is damaged and the stones have removed. The ash color Ocean is visible from where the stone has been removed.
The black surface area in the satellite image is the actual interest area. This has never been Carbon Dated. Though Carbon Dating is the most scientific technique applied in the field of archaeology and ancient heritage. The carbonate compounds, i.e., Mortar, is an artificial product which has been used by humans since ancient times. This Mortar is a binder.
Dating of ancient "Mortars" has been proposed as early as 1960s. In "Mortars", calcite, is formed by the reaction of calcium hydroxide with atmospheric CO2 during the setting of the material. When CO2 was taken from the atmosphere, that age can be known from the "Mortar" sample collected from this black surface.
Hence, site sample selection is very important. This should must avoid areas of repair or renovation. The chain of visible lime shoal structure is not the floating bridge commonly believed.
In 2016 Professor Srinivasalu from Institute of Ocean Management, Anna University had collected samples from Dhanushkoti. These samples were collected from the chain of lime shoal. The samples were sent to US-based Beta Analytics, one of the top radiocarbon dating labs to determine the exact time period.
The results showed that the fossils found between 94 cm and 132 cm, were from 7000 years to 18,400 years old. Still the date is under error. This needs correct aging after the sample is collected for the carbon dating from the "Mortars" shown here, from the black color floating surface in the satellite image.
The Britishers chronicled it as Adam's bridge because they understood "Adam", more better than they understood Bhagwan Rama. The Abrahamic link of this bridge, with Bible Christianity, is the British foolishness.
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) is in charge of researching the Ram Setu bridge. Along with CSIR, the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), a Goa-based organization, is also concentrating on this research to learn every aspect of the Rama-Setu Bridge, including how it was built. The study will also examine a few additional issues, such as any possible submerged settlements near the bridge.
This is allowing to explore the "Kavtapuram" site, submerged near this site in the Gulf of Mannar, from where corals have been collected for the Rama-Setu bridge. The satellite image of the Submerged Kavtapuram is given below.
The National Institute of Oceanography’s research ship, designated “Sindhu Sankalp” and “Sindhu Sadhana,” are being used to explore this project. But when? The National Institute of Oceanography’s research ship, has not yet explored the satellite detected site of the submerged Dwarka and Kavtapuram. The two unsolved challenges in the Marine Archaeology.
The Rama-Setu needs comprehensive explore plan. From carbon dating of the satellite detected black surface "Mortar" to the site of Kavtapuram and the deepest site located in Gujarat, the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna.
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