"Rama-Setu": The Wonder of the Marine Archaeology In India.

Legal challenges- The Archaeological Survey of India, in an affidavit in court, rejected the existence of the "Ram-Setu". Later, the affidavit was withdrawn and two ASI officials were suspended. This reflects the poor state of quality of the Marine Archaeological Wing of the ASI. The ASI needs to improve this state of affairs. Here a perspective of the "Ram-Setu" is given. This is the height of the Marine Archaeological Science, where the Satellite data in specific band frequency examines the composition of the Ram-Setu. This has been detected that in between Dhanushkoti (India ) and Tallaimannar, there has been several natural islands. That natural islands were connected with artificial "Plug Fastener". All the images produced here from the Satellite, shall not be used without proper written permission from the author. * Birendra K Jha ...