
Showing posts from April, 2021


  Before reading please note down the GPS location of the 4 dried ports at the Mohenjodaro. The Bet-Dwarka seal ( just like the Mohenjodaro seal  )  recovered by Dr. SR Rao, forced me to think hundred times that the Mohenjodaro was connected with the Dwarka Port. But, John Marshall and RD Banerjee give different idea about the Mohenjodaro as land locked town ! Both were wrong. The Mohenjodaro was a port city. Four dried port hangers have been found at the Mohenjodaro. This is not Lothal, the first port city of the Indus Valley Civilization. This was the Mohenjodaro port connected with the Grand Dwarka Port in India.  1. Mohenjodaro First Port on dry Indus River: Latitude: 27 Degree 18'24.06" N Longitude: 68 Degree 8'29.09" E 2. Second Mohenjodaro Port 1.24 Km East on dry Indus River: Latitude: 27 Degree 19'0.05 " N Longitude: 68 Degree 8'50.26" E 3. The Third Port is 0.75 Km further East from the second Port. 4. The Fourth Port is 1.5 Km further East...

Aryan Invasion: The Silent Killer of India.

  This was the colonial virus spread on the Indians, 200 years ago. This was the silent killer, the Aryan Invasion Theory in 1500 BCE.  In 1921 when the Harrapan Civilization came into existence, it was the bogus tool which misguided the whole route of the interpretation. Maxmuller's main job  was  to fix the dates of the various dynasties of India. This was essential to train the new batch of the Indian Civil Service at the Oxford University. Maxmuller was an orthodox Christian. In order to accommodate the Bible age of creation, he misinterpreted various data's mentioned in the Puranas. Here I shall demonstrate why the Europeans dating of the 1500 BCE as Aryan Invasion is not only a  bogus tool, but silent killer. But before that you should must know some dates and events in Theorem.   Theorem  One: Kali Samvat and the age of the MB War.    The traditional date of the entry of the Kali Samvat in the Hindu Almanac is...

Radium : The Bright Metal of Submerged Dwarika

                    A horse shaped face on water channel where at three different parts Radium paint has been used.  The "Rasa-Sastra" of the Ayurveda branch knows more than 100 metals in treating the human mankind with poisonous metals like mercury, copper, arsenic etc. These metals are used after advanced purification method.  This shows the advancement of the  metallurgical knowledge of India. The "Maya-Matam" again gives a detail elaboration of metal  and surface polish.  The element of the "Rasa - Sastra" is quoted by "Shushrut". Nakul of the Mahabharata  quotes Shushrut frequently in his book "Ashva-Sastra" . This shows the "Rasa-Sastra" and the age of Shshruta is pre Mahabharata  age ( Before 3200 BCE ). This introduction is necessary to understand the metallurgical aspect of India with another metal Radium formed by the mixture of  "sodium chloride  and carnotite ore". In Indi...

How Satellite Measured The Date of The Submerged Dwarika

  How Satellite Measured The Date of the Submerged Dwarika This is again a new innovation. In the world of archaeology this innovation has not been used. Satellite in geostationary position can assist you in calculating ancient dates. But for that you have to supply the satellite "Co-Factor". The "Co-Factor" is a sensing object on which satellite calculates the measured area using the satellite scale. This is demonstrated here - how it can be calculated. My demonstration field is again Dwarika. Large coral reefs have grown on the ancient wall structures of Bhagwan Krishna. A large coral was picked through the satellite and diameter was measured. This was coming 23941 inches. This was measured in 2010.  For the growth of 23941 inches it takes 5100 years. The growth rate of such coral reef is 4.69 inch / per year. In cold water the rate of development is slow 0.78 inches per year. But the Gulf of Kutch where water is hot and saline the rate is high then the cold water...

कच्छ की खाड़ी - धोलावीरा के पास Gulf of Kucch - Near Dholavira

    In the second frame we see large human settlements - large buildings as well as small buildings   कृष्ण की द्वारिका ने मानव सभ्यता के रहन सहन के ऊँचे सोपान को प्राप्त कर लिया था . कतारबद्ध रहने के मकान ; उत्तम जल निकाशी योजना, सफ़ेद पत्थर यूक्त  फर्श  मोजेक  उस युग के विशिष्ट जीवन सभ्यता से हमें परिचित कराती है. भगवान  कृष्ण का राजमहल एक अकेले  द्वीप में सर्वाधिक सुरक्षित जगह है . द्वारिका के अधिकारियों के लिए रहने की अलग व्यवस्था थी . यह स्थान आम जनता के रहने के स्थान से हट कर थी. ये भवन बहुत बड़ी संख्या में समुद्र में डूबे मिल रहे हैं .    The Dwarika of Krishna had attended the height of the civilization. Buildings made in rows; roads crossing each other at the 90 degree; waste water drain system and many other important features. Bhagwan Krishna palace is situated at different secured location covered with high boundary and water channel. The common people were living inside double walled township. The officers residential pre...

कालीबंगन के प्राचीन लोग: "यौधेय गणस्य जयः"

  यौधेय  की प्राचीन मुद्रा - भगवान कृष्ण के वराह स्वरूप एकशृंग मुद्रा एकाएक सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता से खत्म नहीं हो गई थी . यौधेय और इस कुल में उत्पन्न कुलिंद ने भगवान कृष्ण के चले आ रहे शासन व्यवस्था  चिन्ह को यथावत रखा    द्वारिका डूबने के कुछ समय बाद युधिष्ठिर ने भी अपने भाइयों के साथ हिमालय गमन किया .युधिष्ठिर पुत्र यौधेय बड़े ही प्रतापी राजा थे जो राजस्थान - पंजाब - हिमाचल प्रदेश में शासन करते थे . ये सौराष्ट्र के अंतर्गत थे परन्तु कर कृष्ण -युधिष्ठिर को देते थे. युधिष्ठिर और भगवान कृष्ण का कुछ आपसी तालमेल था वे करों का बंटवारा करते थे. सौराष्ट्र समाज अपने अंतिम समय में लगभग १९०० ईस्वी पूर्व में संस्कृत भाषा तथा ब्राह्मी का प्रयोग कर रहा था. जो यह बतलाती है की प्राचीन भाषा में यह समाज राजकीय भाषा संस्कृत का प्रयोग करता था. यौधेय की रजत मुद्रा प्राचीन भारत की वह कहानी कहती है जो किसी ने न बताई न सूनी. पाणिनी ( महाभारत तथा कृष्ण के समकालीन ) के अष्टाध्यायी में यौधेय की बड़ी प्रशंसा प्राप्त होती है . शकटायन व्याकरण तथा जैमिनीय ब्राह्मण में भी यौधेय की बड़ी विस्तृत सूचन...