Radium : The Bright Metal of Submerged Dwarika


                A horse shaped face on water channel where at three different parts Radium paint has been used. 

The "Rasa-Sastra" of the Ayurveda branch knows more than 100 metals in treating the human mankind with poisonous metals like mercury, copper, arsenic etc. These metals are used after advanced purification method. 

This shows the advancement of the  metallurgical knowledge of India. The "Maya-Matam" again gives a detail elaboration of metal  and surface polish.  The element of the "Rasa - Sastra" is quoted by "Shushrut". Nakul of the Mahabharata quotes Shushrut frequently in his book "Ashva-Sastra". This shows the "Rasa-Sastra" and the age of Shshruta is pre Mahabharata age ( Before 3200 BCE ). This introduction is necessary to understand the metallurgical aspect of India with another metal Radium formed by the mixture of  "sodium chloride  and carnotite ore". In India the carnotite ore is found only at Singhbhum ( Jharkhand ) and Cuddapah basin ( Andhra Pradesh ). Use of "carnotite ore" is not recorded in the "Rasa-Sastra", but Indians through the ages have been using this carnotite ore as painting surface to glaze that part in deep darkness. This paint is developed traditionally by mixing one gram of carnotite ore with 100 grams of zinc sulphide. At the  Dwarika, our ancient architects have used widely Radium paints to emit brightness in the given structural parts. This shows the Radium as we know today - is not the modern advancement but a very ancient treatment known to the human mankind from the age of Bhagwan Krishna. Some tribal communities of Jharkhand are using carnotite ore mixed with salt as body paint and bathing mixture  for nervous disorders, insomnia, general debility, arthritis, and rheumatism. We do not know how the intelligent   forest dwelling tribal knows the radio active part contained in the carnotite ore and how to pluck its medicinal values. At Dwarika such Radium paints have been widely used in the ancient   ports for night visibility of the ocean going ship pilots. Naturally Dwarika sourced such ore from Jharkhand or Andhra Pradesh. 

      All are copy right protected material. No part shall be published without author's permission. I may be contacted at: birendrajha03@yahoo.com

Dwarika description from the author's book - "Discovery of Lost Dwarika" Available in the Paper book at Amazon America. The Hindi book is available at the Amazon India - click the link following: 

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