कच्छ की खाड़ी - धोलावीरा के पास Gulf of Kucch - Near Dholavira


 In the second frame we see large human settlements - large buildings as well as small buildings 

कृष्ण की द्वारिका ने मानव सभ्यता के रहन सहन के ऊँचे सोपान को प्राप्त कर लिया था . कतारबद्ध रहने के मकान ; उत्तम जल निकाशी योजना, सफ़ेद पत्थर यूक्त  फर्श  मोजेक  उस युग के विशिष्ट जीवन सभ्यता से हमें परिचित कराती है. भगवान  कृष्ण का राजमहल एक अकेले  द्वीप में सर्वाधिक सुरक्षित जगह है . द्वारिका के अधिकारियों के लिए रहने की अलग व्यवस्था थी . यह स्थान आम जनता के रहने के स्थान से हट कर थी. ये भवन बहुत बड़ी संख्या में समुद्र में डूबे मिल रहे हैं .   

The Dwarika of Krishna had attended the height of the civilization. Buildings made in rows; roads crossing each other at the 90 degree; waste water drain system and many other important features. Bhagwan Krishna palace is situated at different secured location covered with high boundary and water channel. The common people were living inside double walled township. The officers residential premises were built on a separate location with high glazed tiles. A cluster of large buildings are seen submerged inside the deep sea water.

 In the second photograph we see the high standard of the civic construction at the residential site 

                 In the zoom version - the residential site is understood. 

                The residential area  has been topped with finest mosaic cover  

   In the yellow cover area the residential site is understood with whole topography of ambience of high quality living.  

 All are copy right protected material. No part shall be published without author's permission. I may be contacted at: birendrajha03@yahoo.com

Dwarika description from the author's book - "Discovery of Lost Dwarika" Available in the Paper book at Amazon America. The Hindi book is available at the Amazon India - click the link following: 


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