Aryan Invasion: The Silent Killer of India.


This was the colonial virus spread on the Indians, 200 years ago. This was the silent killer, the Aryan Invasion Theory in 1500 BCE. 

In 1921 when the Harrapan Civilization came into existence, it was the bogus tool which misguided the whole route of the interpretation. Maxmuller's main job  was  to fix the dates of the various dynasties of India. This was essential to train the new batch of the Indian Civil Service at the Oxford University. Maxmuller was an orthodox Christian. In order to accommodate the Bible age of creation, he misinterpreted various data's mentioned in the Puranas. Here I shall demonstrate why the Europeans dating of the 1500 BCE as Aryan Invasion is not only a  bogus tool, but silent killer. But before that you should must know some dates and events in Theorem.  

Theorem  One: Kali Samvat and the age of the MB War.  

The traditional date of the entry of the Kali Samvat in the Hindu Almanac is 3102 BCE. This is authenticated and true.  

According to the "Surya Siddhanta", the Kali-Yuga era entered the Hindu Panchang at the midnight (00:00) on 18 February 3102 BCE. This is also considered the date on which the Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna submerged. This is also authenticated by software which constructs planetary position of the stars of the ancient skies indicated by Aryabhatta  that the conjunction of the planets mentioned by him (Aryabhatt) as the date of the entry of the Kali Samvat and the submersion of Dwarika  is Feb 17, 3102 BC. The MB war took place 36 years before the date of the Dwarika submersion. This MB war date comes to 3138 BCE. 

Theorem  Two: Parikshit Birth:

Parikshit is the son of Abhimanyu and Uttara. He is the grandson of Arjuna. He was the successor of Yudhisthira to the throne of Hastinapura. His birth is just after the end of the MB war. Uttara carried her son in her womb when Abhimanyu was  mercilessly and unfairly slained by the Kauravas. She is saved by Bhagvan Krishna, who was also the maternal uncle of Abhimanyu.  So fairly Parikshit date of birth is 3138 BCE.  The time of Parikshit is very important to understand the Harappan Society. According to the Shatapatha Brahmana (XIII.5.4), Parikshita had four sons, Janamejaya, Bhimasena, Ugrasena and Śrutasena. All of them performed the Asvamedha Yajna. The Vedic literature also indicates that the early Kurus had their capital at Āsandīvat,which is identified as the modern Assandh, a Harappan site  in Haryana.

Theorem  Three: Varah Mihir and the Rule of Yudhisthir. 

Varahamihira in chapter 13 of the Brihat Samhita, claimed that the commencement of the Saka era took place 2,526 years after the rule of the King Yudhisthira. The Saka era mentioned here is not of Shalivahan Saka, but this is mentioned of of Darius- I,   the third Persian King of the Achaemenid Empire.  King Yudhishthira rule ended after some more than 25 years of the submersion of Dwarika. The submersion date of Dwarika is 3102 BCE. If we deduct 25 years. This comes to 3077 BCE as the end of the Yudhishthira Rule. This follows the coronation  of Parikshit at 3077 BCE.    

Theorem Four: Vishnu Puran - The Magadha Kings 

The Vishnu Purana, in Chapter 24 gives a list of historical Kings from India, in future tense. The Vishnu Puran last editing was done during the age of the Guptas. So till Guptas all the historical facts are coming actually in a very systematic way where events are recorded in the future tense.  This mentions the kings of the Magadhá. They are: Five princes of the line of Pradyota; Ten Śiśunágas; Nine Nandas; Ten Mauryas; Ten Śungas; Four Kańwas & Thirty Ándhrabhrityas. 

Theorem Five: Elapsed Years: 

The Vishnu Purana, in Chapter 24 again says, from the birth of Paríkshit to the coronation of Nanda it is to be known that  1015 years have elapsed. This age of 1015 years is scribal error. If we add 1000 + 138 + 362 , this comes to 1500 years as given below:  

Magadh Kings     1000 Yrs 
Pradyot Dynasty   138 Yrs
Sisunaga Dynasty  362 Yrs
Total Figure     1500 Yrs 

Hence the information that "from the birth of Paríkshit to the coronation of Nanda it is to be known that  1500 years have elapsed" should be read as the correct entry of the date. According to this date the birth of Parikshit ( Theorem Two) is 3138 BCE. If we deduct from 3138 a period of 1500 years ( Theorem five ), we get a period of 1638 BCE, which is the date of the coronation of Nandas.  Most of the scripts of the Vayu Purana state the total duration of the Nine Nandas  rule comes to  121  years. So in 1638 BCE if 121 years is deducted this comes to 1517 BCE as the end of the Nandas Rule. 

Theorem Six: Age of Chandragupta Maurya: 

Now the  Vishnu Puran says further that after the cessation of the race of Nanda, the warrior Chandragupta Maurya came to power, assisted by his teacher Kautilya. In Theorem five we have seen Nandas Rule ended at 1517 BCE. Hence the date of coronation of Chandragupta Maurya is 1517 BCE.    

Theorem Seven: Radio Dating Dwarika: 

The Radio dating of the ancient Dwarika conducted on the coral reef grown over the white stone of Dwarika is 5240 years BP ( 104 Yr +/- ). This puts this Radio dating to the age of Dwarika at  3100 BCE,  when it submerged under water and thereafter coral reef started growing. This important innovation of science, proves Krishna and the Mahabharata are not Myth and there period comes 1600 years before the bogus Aryan Invasion date. 

The Dwarika in the MB ( Mahabharata ) presents a picture of a central authority which keeps federal structure of administration, executive and judicial over various cities.  Indus seals bear a testimony of the central authority. The grammar of writing on the seal is highly standardized  with the defined rule followed across the civilization. The writing is highly ordered. This proves that the writing was a highly coordinated activity with centralized teaching and training centers for educating the writers to provide text information. However, the standard of the written information is education and not restricted to trade or trade documents. The writing served more than one purpose. The standardized weight and measurement system with common "Unicorn Bull symbolism" of state symbol says it is a centralized authority system, as mentioned in the MB.  

The second frame shows white stone of the ancient  Dwarika age submerged under the water at deep depth. Coral reefs are shown grown on the side deep black patch. These coral reefs started growing when the white stone submerged under water. The Radio dating of the coral reefs are 5240 years BP ( 104 yrs +/- ), which calculation comes to 3100 BCE.   

Given these seven  theorems, Maxmuller and other European derived age on the Aryan Invasion Theory at 1500 BCE. This bogus date collapses,  as this is the period of Chandragupta Maurya ( 1517 BCE ).  This disturbs now the entire chronology of the Indian history from the age of Samudragupta to the age of Gautam Buddha and others. Based on this calculation we see Alexander invaded India not during the period of Chandragupta Maurya, but this is Samudragupta from the Gupta dynasty. This shows the date of the Aryan Invasion Theory at 1500 BCE is the bogus date  and a bad tool imposed arbitrarily  over the innocent Indians. Maxmuller and others have done crime in reducing arbitrarily the age line of Chandragupta Maurya from 1517 BCE to 321 BCE. He is the silent killer, who killed 1200 years from the Indian History to satisfy his foolish ego on the Bible and divide the Indians. 

This bogus theory is the origin of the yet another bogus  offspring - the "Indo- European" or the "Indo-Iranian" Theory. The Dravida Munitra Kaddagam ( the DMK ) used this British theory for gaining the political mileage at the Tamil Nadu. Many ancient Sanskrit scriptures in Tamil Nadu temples, were replaced with "Tamil".   This anti-agitation was the dream, which the British has seen long ago to divide the Indians.  This comes true now, when Ashko Parpola from the Finland; Irvathan Mahadevan from Tamil Nadu and the "Frontline", a Marxist publication house, which sponsors AIT prominently, start searching "Tamils" at the Harappa, then searching the relics of Bhagwan Krishna age ! They even keep their eyes closed from the findings of Dwarika to satisfy the bogus AIT. Yes, the sea submerged city of Bhagwan Krishna mentioned widely  in the Mahabharata, which was the capital of the small cities like Harappa & Mohenjodaro.     This British created AIT virus is very strong and deep rooted now.  


After reading this chronological issues. I advise you to read the "abusive comments" of hard believer on the Aryan Invasion. One is Michael Witzel from the Hravard University and other one is the JNU based historian Romila Thapar. These two people how trying to save the sinking ship of the Aryan Invasion Theory is expressed in their own abusive words expressed on the book "The Deciphered Indus Script" authored by Dr Jha and Dr Rajaram, way back 2000, which demolished the Aryan Invasion Theory.  They charge here the work as an RSS - Hindu propaganda. Sometimes offensive criticisms, abusive adverse remarks, non academic criticisms, personal abuse, say many positive things about the arbitrary opinion based on the  book. Many like Prof. Amartya Sen, without reading the book , based their opinion through Witzel's mind.   Witzel devoted here most energy finding fraud in the photograph, then devoting time on the decipherment. Romila Thapar weeps on bringing the relevance of the dead horse. They have expressed in their own words - the  offensive abuses. This attack is further aggravated when Dwarika exposes her grand face. My Dwarika discovery is work of 2018 based on the advanced satellite techniques. In 2000 we little know about the present Dwarika. But now we have lot of information about the submerged Dwarika in 3100 BCE. Which alone demolishes the Aryan Invasion Theory. 

See the real face of the Harappa in 2000 in the abuse & offensive words of Witzel & Thapar, in the "Horseplay In Harappa" published in 2000 from the Frontline ( A Hindu Publication Group, Chennai ). This publication group in order to save the Aryan Invasion Theory sponsored Witzel and Thapar to write against the book.  Before reading you should must have an idea that Witzel neither speaks Sanskrit nor can understand Sanskrit text in original. Yet he is the Head of the Department of Sanskrit at the Harvard. Romila Thapar understanding is also doubtful. See looks India through the defective translation from the Europe and believe strongly invasion of Aryans in India at 1500 BCE. Please click here the link: 

All are copy right protected material. No part shall be published without author's permission. I may be contacted at:

Dwarika description from the author's book - "Discovery of Lost Dwarika" Available in the Paper book at Amazon America. The Hindi book is available at the Amazon India - click the link following: 

#Dwarika #Dwarka #DiscoveryDwarka #KrishnaDwarka #DiscoveryDwarika
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  1. Please help me to understand, which part of the Aryan invastion theory is not correct? I have read articles, which show that the Indian population received an "injection" of Aryan genes around 2000 BCE, and that after that time the Indian population divided to the Ancestral Northern Indians (ANI) and to the Ancestral Southern Indians (ASI) between years 2000 BCE and 100 CE. According to these articles, the southern population of India has less than 3% Aryan genes while the northern population has 15-17% Aryan genes. One of these articles is this and the other reference I have lost.

    1. Why do you think invasion is the only way genes spread across a population? The problem is there. How did Hinduism spread to Thailand? No Hindu King waged war against them and yet Hinduism spread there even before Cholas spread across South East Asia.
      Even today many foreigners convert to Hinduism by their own choice. Do you think in ancient times when India hosted so many Universities with foreign students coming in no intermingling took place?

  2. Joudherb awesome reply lovely 🌹

  3. Aryan Invasion is full of bogus.. I'm getting headache whenever thinking fals arayn invasion in which doesn't exist... Ashoka too bogus story it's added in gap theory by maxmuller a pathetic christo


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