
The Amazing Food Granary Of Dwarikadheesh

This finding is based on the satellite discovery. The account is published from the Amazon - "Discovery Of Lost Dwarika". The Sea Submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna is looking Indian - American collaboration to move further. Some more than 100 satellite photographs of Sea submerged Dwarika are published in my book - DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA - available at Amazon in ebook and paperback. The link is : Indian Amazon brings book here : Paperback  edition is here: I may be contacted at : ****************** Sir John Marshall appreciated too much on the Mohenjo Daro Granary. This was a brick structure which was built on a massive brick foundation, with two rows of six rooms with a central passageway that is about 7 meters wide and partly paved with baked bricks. Each room measures sl

Comparing Two Cultures- Sea Submerged City Dwarika and Mexico

(Based on satellite discovery published book from the Amazon - "Discovery Of Lost Dwarika" available at link -  Comments are in English and Hindi. I can be contacted at -   ******************  Mexico is not so much beautiful as ancient Dwarika. Surprisingly the architect of these two points are common - The Mayan Engineers. The ancient port city of Mexico speaks the engineering excellence of the Mayan engineers. At Mexico Port city the Mayans have used same engineering scale ( marks ) as used in Dwarika. This scale extinguished from the world science within 500 years of the last Mayans. Mayans shaped many excellent architect engineering at Dwarika and outside Dwarika. The sphinx of Giza and sculpture of various animal motifs at Dwarika islands are very similar and constructed by one architect. Mayans had special knowledge of architectural construction under sea water. We see beautiful stone designs constructed

THE FORGOTTEN LAND OF BHAGWAN KRISHNA. भगवान कृष्ण की विस्मृत भूमि .

Picture:  The Water Fort Palace ( Rajmahal ) Of Bhagwan Krishna - in white stone .  The Sea Submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna is looking Indian - American collaboration to move further. Some more than 100 satellite photographs of Sea submerged Dwarika are published in my book - DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA - available at Amazon in ebook and paperback. The link is : Indian Amazon brings book here : Paperback  edition is here: I may be contacted at :  *******************  The "Rigveda" describes a maritime society of oceans and ship. This is about Dwarika. This information descended in the rewriting and recompilation of the Rigveda during the Mahabharat era. The British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in 1929 before the House of Common said " By establishing British rule in India, God said to the British, "I have

Save Dwarika - Save Dwarkadheesh


Save Dwarika - Save Dwarkadheesh


New Discovery: The Sea Submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna

( Based on the satellite based search - "Discovery Of Lost Dwarika" - Published from the Amazon. The book is available at following link in the ebook and paperback: I may be contacted at ********************* The photograph with fine patterns made on the white stone slab is at the ancient port of Dwarika which is radio dated at 3200 BCE. This sea submerged stone slabs still looking fresh,clean and now submerged under deep water some 30 feet below the Gulf of Kutch. This was the Great Submerged site of Krishna - which the world doesn't know....... Krishna, unparallel philosopher, great teacher of the Sankhya philosophy, true Kriya- Yogi of the Bhagavad Gita, is not a romantic hero. He is a serious marine administrator, architect, planner and military leader. Panini was of Krishna age. He wrote in the Ashtadhyayi many hidden information about Dwarika marine pr

The Lost City Of The Unicorn - Krishna - Second Report ( 12 Photographs )

HTML Backgorund Color    Related to the ancient submerged site at the Gulf of Kutch, where the old Dwarika is submerged, readers may find lot of materials in the link : - All blog materials presented here are removed due to the copyright law. This is now copyright material of the book. Any commercial use is banned including video, documentary, book, or film making.   Under the copyright law, this work is Original Work of the Authorship (OWA). This is viewed as original and it requires significant mental activity to create. This product is an intellectual property that is protected under the law from the unauthorized duplication. Anyone with an original work of authorship has automatic right to the copyright, preventing anyone else from using or replicating it.