The Amazing Food Granary Of Dwarikadheesh

This finding is based on the satellite discovery. The account is published from the Amazon - "Discovery Of Lost Dwarika".

The Sea Submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna is looking Indian - American collaboration to move further. Some more than 100 satellite photographs of Sea submerged Dwarika are published in my book - DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA - available at Amazon in ebook and paperback. The link is :

Indian Amazon brings book here :

Paperback  edition is here:

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Sir John Marshall appreciated too much on the Mohenjo Daro Granary. This was a brick structure which was built on a massive brick foundation, with two rows of six rooms with a central passageway that is about 7 meters wide and partly paved with baked bricks. Each room measures sleeper walls with air space between them with small triangular opening for air ducts to allow the flow of fresh air beneath the hollow floors. The Mohenjo Daro Granary was very small and based on Dwarika design. The Dwarika food Granary was approx 20 times bigger than Mohenjo Daro with two rows having more than 100 granaries ( See Photograph ). From top the granaries is oval shaped, which is now house of Coral reef. The Dwarika food granary designs focus more light on the type and design of Mohenjodaro food granaries. The quantum of food granaries at Dwarika show that it was buffer stock zone of the entire Republic, not only Dwarika, covering Mohenjo Daro and Harappa also. The granaries of Dwarika have been constructed near port to receive and dispatch food material smooth way. This is an important discovery in understanding the corporate administration of Dwarika managed by Bhagwan Dwarkadhish.
Picture Description: The first one is the bird's eye view of food granary. The second one is zoom version of the first three granaries. The third one is idea design of Sir John Marshall - how Mohenjo Daro granary was. We see Sir John Marshall is in error where he made top roof flat. But, in Dwarika we see food granary in oval shaped, like military barracks.
मोहनजोदड़ो के खाद्य भण्डारण पर सर जॉन मार्शल बड़ी प्रशंसा करते हैं . यह दो पक्तियों में थी जहां हवा के प्रवाह की समुचित व्यवस्था थी . दरअसल जॉन मार्शल ने इस भण्डारण का अनुमान लगाया है की देखने में कैसा होगा . मोहनजोदड़ो के भण्डारण से कोई बीस गुना बड़ी भण्डारण द्वारिका में मिली है . पंक्तयों में खड़ी ये भण्डारण कोई एक सौ से भी ऊपर है . ऊपर से यह छत "ओवल शेप्ड" में हैं जिस पर आज ५००० वर्ष पुराने मूंगे ने घर बना ली है. मोहनजोदड़ो का खाद्य भण्डारण कैसा था द्वारिका इस पर विस्तृत प्रकाश डालता है . द्वारिका के ये विशाल भण्डारण द्वारिका का ही पेट नहीं भरती थी अपितू समस्त द्वारिका साम्राज्य को यह भण्डारण सेवा देती थी . यह भगवान् द्वारिकाधीश के अद्वितीय प्रबंध क्षमता को दर्शाती है .



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