New Discovery: The Sea Submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna

( Based on the satellite based search - "Discovery Of Lost Dwarika" - Published from the Amazon. The book is available at following link in the ebook and paperback:
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The photograph with fine patterns made on the white stone slab is at the ancient port of Dwarika which is radio dated at 3200 BCE. This sea submerged stone slabs still looking fresh,clean and now submerged under deep water some 30 feet below the Gulf of Kutch. This was the Great Submerged site of Krishna - which the world doesn't know.......

Krishna, unparallel philosopher, great teacher of the Sankhya philosophy, true Kriya- Yogi of the Bhagavad Gita, is not a romantic hero. He is a serious marine administrator, architect, planner and military leader. Panini was of Krishna age. He wrote in the Ashtadhyayi many hidden information about Dwarika marine practices: sea ships, cargoes, marine trade. Many events of Dwarika have entered into the Upanishads and the Rigveda. In 2000 Dr Jha - Dr Rajaram have deciphered more hidden tributes about Krishna and his associates. Some deciphered words are : "Paila" (Vyasa's pupil), "Akrura" (Krishna's friend), "Vrishni" (Krishna's clan), "Yadu" (Krishna's ancestor), "Sri Tirtha" (old name for Dwaraka) etc.The Mohenjo Daro was revolving around Krishna and Dwarika. The Mahabharata based Krishna is the Krishna of Upanishad and the Rigveda. Though Upanishads are pre Mahabharata. But , this was rewritten after the MB age, where to maintain the discipline of Purana and Itihasa the contemporary events also entered. Two examples are sufficient to test this point: Janamejaya the grandson of Abhimanyu appears in Aitareya Brahmana( pre MB literature ) similarly Parikshita appears in the Satapatha Brahmana ( again pre MB literature ).

Similarly in the Manu Smriti also, many ancient Marine practices of Dwarika have been recorded. The ancient law book, lays down laws to govern commercial disputes having references to sea borne traffic as well as inland and overland marine trade. There is an important law, that the rate of interest on the money lent on bottomry (marine insurance) is to be fixed by professional, who is acquainted with sea voyages. Another passage lays down the rule of fixing boat-hire in the case of voyage mixed with ocean and River.

The age of the Dwarka and Krishna is very clear. I have used scientific tool. The Radio dating of ancient coral reef formed on Dwarika white stone plates at the ancient Dwarika Port (Salaya ) is 3200 BCE. The satellite dating is also 3200 BCE. These two datings are matching with the entry of Kali Samvat in the Hindu Panchang at 3102 BCE, when Dwarika submerged. Dr SR Rao dating of 1500 BCE of Dwarika is in error needs re-evaluation.

Many years latter, Graeco-Egyptian sailor in the first century A.D. wrote a book, called the "Periplus of the Erythraean Sea", this book carried many ancient practices of marine trade of Dwarika. This book details, trading relation with the Romans and the Babylon. The chief articles of export from India were spices, perfumes, medicinal herbs, pigments, pearls, precious stones like diamond, sapphire, turquoise, lapis lazuli, animal skins, cotton cloth, silk yarn, muslin, indigo, ivory, porcelain and tortoise shell; the chief imports were cloth, linen, perfume, medicinal herbs, glass vessels, silver, gold, copper, tin, lead, pigment, precious stones and coral.

भगवान कृष्ण अद्वितीय दार्शनिक, क्रिया योग तथा सांख्य दर्शन के महान गुरु के साथ साथ उत्तम समुद्र प्रशासक, वास्तुविद तथा रण योद्धा है . पाणिनी उन्ही के समकालीन है जिन्होंने अष्टाध्यायी में द्वारिका के सामुद्रिक जीवन का कई विहंगम दृश्य प्रस्तुत की है . वर्ष २००० में डॉ झा तथा डॉ राजाराम ने सिंधु मुद्राओं में कई लेख द्वारिका तथा कृष्ण के विषय में पढ़े थे. ये महाभारत वर्णित कृष्ण हे हैं जो उपनिषद् तथा ऋग्वेद में उद्धृत हैं . दो उदाहरण से समझा जा सकता है : जन्मेजय का ऐतरेय ब्राह्मण तथा परीक्षित का शतपथ ब्राह्मण में सूचना प्राप्त होती है. यद्यपि ये दो ग्रन्थ महाभारत से पूर्व के हैं . ऋग्वेद , उपनिषद् और ब्राह्मण ग्रंथों को जब द्वारिका सभ्यता काल में लिपिबद्ध किये गए तब द्वारिका , तथा द्वारिका काल के महाभारत की बहुत सारी जानकारी इन प्रचीन ग्रंथो में आ गयी . इसलिए महाभारत काल के कृष्ण का विवरण ऋग्वेद में तथा अन्य उपनिषद् ग्रन्थ में मिलता है . द्वारिका के सलाया पोत के रेडियो डेटिंग में द्वारिका ३२०० ईस्वी पूर्व की है . इसी प्रकार सेटेलाइट डेटिंग में भी यह सभ्यता ३२०० ईस्वी पूर्व की है . यह समय भारतीय पंचांग के काल गणना में ३१०२ ईस्वी पूर्व में कली सम्वत के प्रवेश को प्रमाणित करती है जब द्वारिका डूब गयी . द्वारिका के सामुद्रिक जीवन का वर्णन मनु स्मृति में भी आती है जिसमें समुद्री बीमा , समुद्री कर ; समुद्री जहाज का किराया इत्यादि का निर्धारण है . "परिपोलिस ऑफ़ दे एरिथ्रियन सी " प्राचीन द्वारिका के सामुद्रिक वाणिज्य का ही वर्णन करती है जो द्वारिका डूब जाने के उपरांत भी उसी पोत से निरंतर अभ्यास क्रम में व्यापार होते रहे जिसमें द्वारिका से बहुत सारे माल बेबीलोन तथा रोम देश को भेजे जाते थे.

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Birendra K Jha

This is the satellite photography of the most prominent palace in the submerged Dwarka. A palace is built inside the Fish Shaped Water Fort – The white stone made beautiful , beyond human imagination , palace is in the crane bird shape (saras ). Probably this may be the palace of Krishna.  Readers requested to adhere the copyright law.

Due to Copyright Act. All Blog photographs are now removed as now published part in the book. The photographs say that Dwarka was extended to a ridiculously huge area including some dry belts touching Okha to Jamnagar. Modern business and construction activities have damaged extensively such prominent sites without understanding the relevance of any historical and cultural value. These modern activities required to be controlled immediately.

Immediate high-powered Commission is required, separate from the ASI, to protect, conserve and develop this site.  

This calls for all the followers of the  Sanatana Dharma, devotee of Dvarkadheesa, Jagannath and followers of the ISCON and Hare Rama movement in the Europe  to unite and support the restoration of Dvarkadheesa site.

Word of Caution:
This is copyright material of the author. This is permitted only in the social media for free and wide academic circulation. Any commercial use is banned including video, documentary, book, or film making.  Under the copyright law, this work is Original Work of the Authorship (OWA). This is viewed as original and it requires significant mental activity to create. This product is an intellectual property that is protected under the law from the unauthorized duplication. Anyone with an original work of authorship has automatic right to the copyright, preventing anyone else from using or replicating it. 


  1. Dear Mr Jha,
    I am going through your YT video on Sangam channel. It is interesting to note your observations about Sri Krishna's palace and the area around it. I plan to visit saurashtra in June. Are civilians allowed to see the areas that you described in the video? Can you share the co-ordinates of this place? Thank you.Regards, Devyani Gandhi


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