The Marine Archaeological Properties of Bet-Dwarka In The Satellite Analogue Technique
Before discovering Dwarka I had investigated the "Bet-Dwarka". It was immediately clear that the "Bet-Dwarka" and the "Original Dwarka" are both different. The "Bet- Dwarka" site is a smaller and less understood site. Dr. SR Rao claims that this is Bhagwan Krishna's Dwarka. No, this notion needs to be corrected.
"Bet-Dwarka" is little studied site. Other than the pioneer work of Dr.SR Rao, no standard work is seen from this site, which enhances our knowledge. This is not the Original Dwarka Town of Bhagwan Krishna. The difference between the "Bet-Dwarka" site and the "Original Dwarka" site are clearly visible. The "Original Dwarka" site is filled with finest white stone and the town is covered with long and strong walls. These two important features are seen completely missing and absent at the "Bet-Dwarka" site.
The "Bet-Dwarka" site during the days of Bhagwan Krishna was a supporting site, where soldiers of Dwarka were stationed here for the security of Dwarka Town. The Passport recovered by Dr. SR Rao from the "Bet-Dwarka" site, with clear hole on the seal at the top side for thread and parallel reference seen in the Harivans Puran, attests that, there was a strong checking system of people before entering the beautiful Dwarka City. This clearly segregated the Dwarka City of Bhagwan Krishna and the Dwarka Passport Checking Point of the "Bet-Dwarka". The Archaeological remains appear long barrack type quarters at the "Bet-Dwarka". These long barracks are the soldiers barrack.
When soldiers of Dwarka, were stationed here, at that time local communities also settled here to support the soldiers. When the Dwarka Town submerged. This site also submerged in 3100 BCE.
The Satellite in the Analogue Technique looks the site and the various Archaeological properties. This is the wonder of the Marine Archaeological properties. The satellite photographs speak lot about it.
The Marine Archaeological Institute throughout the world needs to be trained in the Satellite's Analogue Technique to recover the Marine Archaeological properties, submerged under the sea, wherever Sun light penetrates. This is not blind diving as used currently throughout the world.

☝The yellow covered area at the "Radha Site" ( Bet-Dwarka). Satellite has examined this Radha Site deeply. This reveals human settlement at the covered area. The human settlement is clearly visible here with long barrack type quarters at the Radha Site (Bet-Dwarka).
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