Advancement of the Space Archaeology

In 2000 the ISRO satellite, IRS-P4, first time used the OCM Camera Tool to examine the Gulf of Kutch. No body looked into the data, until Jha in the end period of 2000, studied seriously about the data. This tool separated the sea water and submerged islands in two distinct color. Other than the  red circled marked area, the entire land remains submerged under the sea. This is the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. During the last 75 years researches conducted around the archaeology and the history dealing with the ancient Indian history, have spoiled and is just only a piece of garbage. Untrained people sitting in archaeology and faculties, came up with poor researches. Without application of mind, they burned their fingers on the dirty British opinion and age chronology. The Britishers, were in India to rule the Indians, who draw their inspiration from the Vedas. The researchers have failed to take note of the vast archaeological truth and proof of the Mahabharat age, submerged under the sea. Most of the Ph.D. thesis in these areas are just "Copy and Paste" of the British opinion ! Now, the archaeology based on the modern space science, has divided two groups clearly around the world. One group, rejects the dirty British opinion and chronology and believes virgin India, as she is. The other researchers, who are blind followers of the British opinion and chronology, are pretending to sleep. They are thinking after 75 years, what mistakes they have done !

The faculties, departments pursuing archaeology, history and subjects like Indology, have no option then to calibrate their researches around the vast archaeology submerged under the sea. This gives brilliant approaches from the author, on our understanding on the Space Archaeology, where most training and education is required to the people dealing with archaeology. 

Based on Birendra K Jha's published work "Discovery of Lost Dwarka"

The discovery of the submerged Dwarka City of Bhagwan Krishna by Jha is an important discovery of this century. Since, the site is associated with Bhagwan Krishna, hence it has the enormous opportunities for development as pilgrimage tourism and its contribution in the sustainable development of India. The prospect is bright and excellent. Jeev Goswami in 16th Century AD had visited this site as pilgrimage tourist. He endorsed this spot in his commentary on the Srimad Bhagavad GitaHe identified this site as a place surrounded by ocean. Since, the age of Jiva Goswami, Indians have forgotten where the city was submerged. 

Jeev Goswami, authenticated that the Dwarka City and Bhagwan Krishna are both historical. However, in Indian records Bhagwan Krishna and His Dwarka City are mentioned widely. Bhagwan Krishna consort, Radha is mentioned in the Taittiriya Samhita ( 3-2-93); Taittiriya Brahman (; and Shathpath Brahman ( ). Gopal is mentioned in the Vajsaneya Samhita ( 1.4.83, 32.11 ); Shathpath Brahman ( 2.1.5); Kath-Upanishad ( 6.34 ); Taittriya ( 3.10 ) and  Madhyandin Samhita ( 3.9 ). The Gyat Dharm Kathang Sutra, a Jain literature, mentions Dwarka surrounded with tall walls. The Palitana Copper plate, mentions Dwarka as the capital city of Bhagwan Krishna.  In the Mahabharat, Dwarka is a city in the ocean, where Pandavas spent their period of exile ( 4.72 ). After the Kurukshetra war, Arjun visited the City of Dwarka ( 14.83); in the Mousal Parva of the Mahabharat,  again there is a vivid and pathetic description by Arjun of the Dwarka buildings submerging under the sea, one by one. 

Given such historical records,  this is the aspiration of the common religious people of India, to visit the abode  of Bhagwan Krishna, which was once the capital of Sourashtra.  

After the Indian independence, other than the excellent effort by  Dr SR Rao, the search operation on the Dwarka by the Indian agencies, were conducted in a very casual and poor  approach. There was a check balance to satisfy the secular group. If any search operation was conducted, that was arranged in comfortable and  easy sea water. No body applied mind for searching the Dwarka City in deep and difficult sea. The reason of such poor approach was that, the majority of the Indian agencies, considered the Mahabharat and Bhagwan Krishna as mythical.     

In 2008 Rome conducted the conference on theme "Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management". With more than 100 papers it raised mass awareness and enhanced education of the archaeologists and other necessary stakeholders including the heritage administrator, on the archaeology based on satellite. This exposed the way space archaeology is moving forward. Giardino,  outlined the NASA activity in identifying the ancient roads of Rome. Deroin,  demonstrated, discovery of the Jabali silver mines of 7th century AD in Yemen. Rajani,  outlined the ancient paleochannels of the Indus basin. Salvi  identified the new sites in Ethiopia. There is not a single paper on the submerged Dwarka. This shows, the current Space Archaeology is still  far behind, to look under the sea! Jha contributed on the knowledge of the Space Archaeology. He developed an important technology, where  satellite can look under the sea. This is the Analogue Technology. The vast site of the submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna discovered by Jha confirmed  that how the satellite, can enhance the technique to look under the sea, using the Analogue Technology, if situation and environment is a shallow sea, just like Dwarka.   

This discovery at one stroke, has changed completely our understanding on the Indian history at 360 degree angle.  The vast heritage resource of Dwarka, which is now submerged under the sea of the Gulf of Kutch, is extended up to the Gulf of Kutch. This technique brings an  enormous opportunities and applications, in other fields. 

In 2000, Jha was studying the data generated by the OCM ( Ocean Color Monitor ). The OCM camera installed on the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite-IRS P4, has captured brilliant  data pertaining to the Gulf of Kutch. Nobody looked into this data, until Jha examined seriously into the brilliant data. First time this data revealed, that there are various submerged islands in the Gulf of Kutch, which are inter connected with each other. This data,  linked the "antardweep", a term mentioned in the Mahabharat for the inter connected islands of the Dwarka. 

The Ocean Color Monitor tool, inspired Jha to develop a technology, where satellite is able to look under the sea. Jha found, three large settlements of the submerged Dwarka covered with a single wall. He found various islands with human made fort in particular animal shapes or auspicious signs. He was looking for the "mahashail", the white beautiful designed necklace, surrounded around the Dwarka town. This architectural necklace, is  mentioned widely in the Harivans Puran. Jha found a pattern of architectural necklace from the Gulf of Kutch to the Great Runn of Kutch. 

Jha, demonstrated, through the NASA,  OCM Tool, that once, the Gulf of Kutch was connected with the Great Runn of Kutch. During the period of monsoon, the OCM Tool separates,  into two parts, the land piece spread from the Gulf of Kutch to the Great Runn of Kutch.  The OCM marked the land area in the green color and the entire sea water, was marked in the  black color. This confirmed that, once the Dwarka town was spread from the present Gulf of Kutch to the Great Runn of Kutch. The dry patch, as seen today,  between the Gulf of Kutch to the Great Runn of Kutch was filled with sea water during the age of Bhagwan Krishna. 

The discovered site by Jha has yielded major heritage site situated at some 15 km East of the site of Bet-Dwarka. The picture data and their details, exhibit the potential of this pilgrimage site. This pilgrimage site may be an important concept as an excellent startup  project, where tourism can be promoted as an ingredient of the various activities of the marine tourism, including, cruise site visit, scuba diving, under water tourism through submarine or glass capsules and above all developing under water museum at the site. The white marble built palace of Bhagwan Krishna is still intact. This is the most beautiful, architectural designed site. In our ancient records, the palace of Bhagwan Krishna is mentioned as a white large ship in water.  This vast complex, what Jha has found,  is a ship like white palace built inside a  water canal. This site is a  major attraction from tourism point of view. This site remains mostly submerged under the water. The pilgrimage tourism program, for this site,  is required to be prepared with the sea cruise experience, scuba diving and underwater online tourism experience. Besides the palace of Bhagwan Krishna, some other sites are listed here which  add on the pilgrimage tourism experience:

a) Above the site of Bhagwan Krishna palace, two islands are situated one in "sankh" ( conch)  shape and the other in the "go-mukh" (cow-head ) shape. These are ancient human made forts.

b) Near this site several islands, human settlements, ancient ports are situated which is surrounded with "mahashail". In the human settlement areas,  houses are arranged in rows. This architectural design is matching with the Harivans Puran.

c) Ancient water storage areas built during the age of Bhagwan Krishna are again site of major attraction.

d) This discovered land piece, is further moving towards the Great Runn of Kutch. The vast Dwarka Town is hidden here.

The Bet-Dwarka site identified by Dr. SR Rao, is an ancient check post, before entering the Dwarka Town. This is not the submerged Dwarka. Dr. Rao detail plan, submitted to the Government of India, to explore further the submerged Dwarka beyond the Bet-Dwarka site, where Jha found the original Dwarka, was rejected by the Government ! This was the great loss what India faced. What Jha did here, on his own resource, he discovered the original Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. He has broken the hard shell wall covered with blind people !                         


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