The Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna In The Space Archaeology

☝The Mahabharat exposed the Dwarka, as mentioned here in the red dotted lines around the confluence of the River Sarasvati. But nobody examined it seriously. This speaks the poor condition of our young youths, who mostly are cut-off from their roots and brings a grim picture of the establishments, who were  responsible for writing correct history of India. 

Ancient literatures Mahabharata, Harivans, Skanda Puran, Vishnu Puran have mentioned about Bhagwan Krishna and His Dwarka. The archaeological evidence of Bhagwan Krishna and His Dwarka have disturbed at 360 degree angle,  the established & bogus colonial history of India. This has disturbed the idea and concept of John Marshall's defective terminology on the Indus Valley Civilization. Starting from the Vedic times the location of Mathura and Kurukshetra are perhaps least undisputed. But, nobody tried to examine our ancient literatures to hit at the right location. The Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna has inherent relation with the River Sarasvati and Prabhas. These two sites are situated very nearby. The Mahabharat, in the "Vana-Parva"- Teerth Yatra Parva -  (Ch. 82. Verse 60 & 65) gives important information. Look this verse:

"tato gatva sarasvatyah sagarasya ca sangame" 

"tato dvaravatim gacchet niyato niyatas anah. "

"Then having visited the confluence of River Sarasvati where it meets the ocean, visit there also Dwarka". 

This verse opens the eyes on searching the lost Dwarka. This says clearly the land surrounding the Great Rann of Kutch and the "Choti Rann" ( Little Rann of Kutch ), extended towards the Gulf of Kutch. The Little Rann of Kutch, was earlier part of the Gulf of Kutch, which is now dry.

The Vishnu -Purana ( II Chapter, 36.37) again gives this important information:

"Dwarkam ca mayatyaktam samudrah plavayishyate"

"The Dwarka is under the sea water"

This information, force us to concentrate attention around the Great Rann of Kutch, which was under the sea and recently it has come out and the Little Rann of Kutch, which is an extended part of the Gulf of Kutch.  

During the time of Dwarka, the mentioned lands of the Rann, extensively  filled with sea water. The Great Rann of Kutch, has exposed vast Dwarka Settlement. This was connected with the Sarasvati River and the main islands  of the Dwarka in the present day Gulf of Kutch. 

This settlement is 10 times bigger than the "Mohan-Jodaro" site at Pakistan and has nothing to do with the Dholavira. The Dholavira is a new site and came after the Dwarka Town of  Bhagwan Krishna submerged. 

The Mahabharat says, after the Dwarka submerged, people of this city migrated towards the "Mohan-Jodaro" and established a new settlement.   The settlement at the Great Rann of Kutch was connected with the Great "Raajmahal" Palace of Bhagwan Krishna situated in the Gulf of Kutch with sea water. 

This discovery of Dwarka has developed an important Scientific Principle in the Archaeology Science. Now this Scientific Principle is not known. This Scientific Principle says, the established literatures,  of human mankind attached with deep faith, throw sufficient Archaeological evidence. 

This is up to this Archaeological Science to capture such evidence and conduct rigorous further study. Using this Scientific Principle, the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna  has been explored. The Scientific Principle which has been amply demonstrated here, paves our understanding of the past with much better tool.    

☝ The Dwarka Settlement 
☝ Two walls - front and behind the town. In between the walls the vast town is spread with human settlement  

All images & Scientific Principle  are copyright protected by Birendra K Jha. No images shall be produced or circulated for commercial and other purposes without permission. 


  1. Very nice information proving antiquity of Bhartiya Itihaas.

  2. Wonderful info and support scientific archeology to persue the investigation based on historical literature

  3. This is absolute wonder & very insightful, I wish the GOI wakes up to the treasure trove we hold & take it to the right direction.


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