Analogue Technology: Oil Source Detection Tool


   ☝ The Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna is in danger. The petroleum wastes have killed the marine environment of this area.  The orange color petroleum wastes coming from  the ship is a daily affair. It shall kill the Dwarka Island.  Save it before it is too late.   

I have demonstrated the effective use of the Analogue Technology in detecting the undersea archaeological materials - up to the level where Sunlight travels effectively. Now I am demonstrating how the Analogue Technology has been used in tracking the oil pollution. The oil pollution has been responsible for damaging the marine life of the Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. The rate of damage is fearful. The petroleum wastes have killed mangroves. Any moment, Bhagwan Krishna island may be washed away by sea. While tracking the oil pollution, by chance I have discovered and detected, somewhere in the Indian site,  a large Oil Rig. I have called it the "Krishna Oil Rig". This Oil Rig is larger then the Mumbai High. This Oil Rig for the next 50 years has the capacity to  feed India for her entire petroleum requirement.  

If you look into the first slide, a ship has been tracked down with black line strip of petroleum waste. This oil is dispersed in the sea,  shown here covered with the broken lines. The oil spill, appearing here is in the orange shade. This is drifting towards the Dwarka Island. The green vegetation area of the Dwarka is seen by satellite in dark red color. The oil spill is enormous and fearful. This shall kill fish, marine life, corals and other aquatic plant. This shall completely damage the environment of the submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. This is one reason that during the last 10 years mangroves have damaged almost by 50% in the Dwarka islands.

But, the story do not ends here. There are other source of pollution also in the sea. This time the source of this  pollution is not any ship. Amazingly this is "Oil Rig". India during the last 20 years have invested crores of Rupees in searching new "Oil Well". The search venture is risky, not cost effective and sometimes the entire search operation fails. But, my  Analogue Technology, is quite best tool for detecting with accurate precision and correct details the exact point of the "Oil Rig". This is demonstrated in slide 2. Here you can see V shape oil seepage coming out from the location which is circle marked. This location has been photographed in 2022. This is the "Oil Seepage" coming from the undersurface of the seabed. This Oil Seepage is indication that this area has big stock of oil. With token of respect.  I have called it the "Krishna Oil Rig". Yes this is Bhagwan Krishna, who in the name of pollution has carried me to this Oil Reservoir. The slide third and fourth are of the same location, but different time period. I do not know, for how many long years this seepage is going on. But, this has shown a big achievement. With accurate GPS location,  oil pipeline can be inserted here for the recovery of the petroleum resource. This is a very low cost device, which can be used intelligently to haunt down the oil reserves. This oil reserve is larger than the Mumbai High. 

( The discovery of this Oil Rig is protected and secured under the Intellectual Property Right. Not to be cited or used for any commercial or other purposes without the author's permission. For consultation, the author may be approached at  )  

#ONGC #Oilexploration

The V shaped oil spill shown above the point of Oil Rig 

                                                       ☝ In 2010 , the point of Oil Rig was seeping 
                                                                    ☝ In 1996 , the view of the point of Oil Rig  


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