Bhagwan Krishna- The Ultimate Management Guru.


In the Mandukya Upanishad there is an important thought process on the Human Resource Development. This highlights the required area of the "Learning & Development". This is a skill, which hits the "Competency Mapping" in the "Leadership Development". The Mandukya Upanishad, starts this brain storming session with  a story of two frogs. One frog living in "Ocean", falls inside a small "Well", where another frog is there. The "Ocean" frog speaks about the wisdom of the "Ocean". The "Well" frog who has never seen "Ocean", starts joking - is your "Ocean" is such vast then this  "Well"? The "Ocean" and the "Well" demonstrate the different learning skill of people. The Modern Human Resource practice, unfortunately, centres around the "Well". It has not yet seen the vastness of   the "Ocean". I shall demonstrate here how the Indian wisdom of the Human Resource Management and the secret HR practices of the South East Asia is the best, compared to the Americans. The American HR Practice, has considered only the profit dynamic. The typical American organizations are centered around profit. At the other side, the "Ocean" frog, is a "Great Leader", which builds an organization, beyond profit. The "Ocean" frog  eliminates, waste from the organization and align the HR Process. This is the face of two HR Practices, where one, struggles with profit and the other  aggressively kills waste for generating  the profit. 

In the Muktika Upanishad, there is a dialogue between Hanuman and Bhagwan Rama. Bhagwan Rama says to Hanuman, if you want to be a good leader, read Mandukya among the  108 Upanishads. All hits at the right cord eliminating the waste. Waste is a  hidden fat in the organization, where  profit is considered after paying the price of waste. The secret of the Mandukya Upanishad, some how landed in the South East Asia at South Korea and Japan. The Korean Companies are secretly practicing in their Human Resource Management, very aggressively,  the waste elimination thought process in the organization building. This knowledge came from Japan. The Koreans have built their HR Practice around the  Lean Principles which hits at the "Fat Waste". 

The South Koreans  HR Practices move around the  "Five-S" and the "14 Lean Principles" in removing the "Waste Elimination" from the business process.   This is mandatory for the HR. The recruitment and working from the day one, in such South Korean Companies are difficult. The Americans can't work here, if they have skill for "Generating Waste". Soon the Americans, like the Boeing and the Ford, also  realized that there is wide mistakes in their HR Process, where  profit is generated  after paying the price of waste. This hike in price increases burden on the society. This is not prudent step but extremely foolishness. The Boeing and the Ford started copying the South Korean - Japanese practices. But it was too much late. Some Americans started commercializing this new practice. They called it the  "Agile". This was just an old wine in new bottle. The South Koreans and the Japanese, never commercialized their secret practice, which came from the East, that is India. They  hate the Americans, where there secret knowledge appears in the market with an ugly  commercial tag the "Green Belt" and the "Black Belt". 

The South Koreans from the day one expects from the employee, even if he is a fresher, to respect the "Five S" and the "14 Lean Principles". This is in majority is a huge skill gap of our fresh students coming from the University. They fail  to match the demand of the industries, because they are not aware with the "Five- S" and the "14 Lean Principle" culture. Most of our  HR Professionals and industry leaders do not know the real meaning of the "Five-S". This is huge skill gap in the competency mapping. They, including the ICICI Bank,  link this practice with "Some Cleaning Activities". No ! This is extremely foolishness. This is "Elimination of Waste". You can't do entire "Elimination of Waste" until or unless you perfectly know the "14 Lean Principles". Being from an aggressive Korean Company, my hiring style is different. I had been visiting University campuses for recruitment of Graduate Engineers and MBA pass outs. I have been inducting the first 3 days in imparting the learning on the "Five S" and the "14 Principle"  to the students. The last session is centered around the "Business Games", where I used to  pick  students with competency  to handle the "Five S" and "14 Principles". This is one of the essential common skill, what I am looking for as recruiter.  Unfortunately, in India most of the organizations from the Europe are running after paying the "Price of Waste". Their understanding of the "Lean Tools" are extremely poor.       

We speak about the Leadership Development, but we forget what Bhagwan Krishna has given the secret clues of becoming a good leader in the Srimad Bhagwad Gita. We speak about the Compensation & Benefit in the HR, but we forget what secret clues are their in the Manu-Smriti on the compensation for retaining good employees. Many ancient Manu-Smriti practices have been classified and documented by Medhatithi. This necessarily has accumulated the Dwarka Marine Corporate culture. The Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna, which is now submerged, is an excellent laboratory to study the wisdom of the Human Resource Management. Very late the IIM, Ahmedabad understood the secret wisdom of India. It has inducted the thought process of the Ultimate Management Guru - Bhagwan Krishna. The Banaras Hindu University has also inducted this subject. 

☝In the  Srimad Bhagwad Gita, our Ultimate Management Guru, Bhagwan Krishna says:  

कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो

लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त:।

ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे

येऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: || 

In Time Management - consider me as "Time". Do not waste my presence. Use it in best way by "Eliminating Wastes Around You". 

( About the author: The writer has worked in the South Korean Company as India Corporate HR Head. He is an active practitioner of the HR based on the "Five-S" and the "14 Lean Principles". He is now entrepreneur in a biotechnological startup with own consultancy firm at Greater Noida. He has inducted training on the Leadership Development to the Senior officers of the Ministry of Defense, the DRDO, the National Physical Laboratory, the Naval Armament Research Centre, Vishakhapatnam, the NHPCL, The Rajasthan Gas Ltd, and many others. He is also the discoverer of the submerged Dwarka of Bhagwan Krishna. He undertook research for  discovering the submerged Dwarka in deep sea from 2000 to 2018 as his passion on the National Heritage. This has attracted many disciplines: Management, Administration; Environment, Oceanography, Satellite science; Corporate Social Responsibility, Archaeology and many other disciplines. While applying the "Five-S" and the "14 Lean Principles", he invented and discovered the Lean Analogue Tool, which allows the satellite to move deep into the  ocean. All his discovery and tools are under patent process.    He has authored 6 books, which is known in Europe and America. He may be contacted at : ). 

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