स्मृति शेष है : "कुरु -जांगाल" The "Kuru -Jaangal" The Forgotten Vedic Province

 लेख पढ़ने के पहले कृपया इस काल समय को ध्यान में रखें . Before reading this article please correct the age line : 

१. चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य -1516 ईस्वी पूर्व ( Chandragupta Maurya - 1516 BCE ) 

२. गौतम बुद्ध - 1864 ईस्वी पूर्व   ( Goutam Buddha - 1864 BCE ) 

३. महाभारत युद्ध -3138  ईस्वी पूर्व  ( Mahabharat War 3138 BCE ) 

महाभारत हमारी प्राचीन संस्कृति और इतिहास का केंद्र बिंदु है. महाभारत को भारत के लोगों ने विद्रूप कर दी है . हम विदेशियों को दोष क्यों दें. जो थोड़ी बहुत कमी थी वह हमारे   पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं ने पूरी कर दी.  पुरातत्त्ववेत्ताओं  ने महाभारत के विषय में ऐसी काल्पनिक समय सीमा खींच दी है जिसमें आधी दुनिया पागल है . यह आगे और पीछे के विषय को समझने में बहुत दिक्कत उत्पन्न   करती  हैं . जो भी हो डॉ. बी. बी. लाल और डॉ. अस. आर. राव के महाभारत की समय सीमा अशुद्ध है. जिस आधार पर महाभारत का समय निर्धारित की गई है वह चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य का समय है जो ३२३ ईस्वी पूर्व मान कर की गई है. जब आधार ही गलत हो तब आगे की समय सीमा गलत ही होगी. यही आकलन चन्द्रगुप्त मौर्य का समय १५१६ ईस्वी पूर्व मान कर समय निर्धारित की गई होती तो यह समय सही होती.     

महाभारत में "कुरु -जांगाल" एक प्रान्त है जो कुरु के अंतर्गत है . धृतराष्ट्र ने कलह समाप्त करने के लिए पांडव को  "कुरु -जांगाल"   प्रदेश दे दी  थी. विवरण मिलती  है कुरु जांगाल को पांडवों ने आबाद की और निवास योग्य भूमि बनाई.     "कुरु -जांगाल"  सरस्वती नदी के किनारे बसी  प्रान्त थी जिसकी सीमा सिंधु नदी तट तक फ़ैली थी.  सिंधु नदी के पार महाभारत युद्ध से पहले जयद्रथ की शासन थी . महाभारत युद्ध के बाद पांडवों ने यह विजित क्षेत्र भगवान कृष्ण को दे दी. "कुरु -जांगाल"  प्रदेश से ही कच्छ के रेगिस्तान शरू होने का निर्देश महाभारत में है .   "कुरु -जांगाल"  प्रान्त  का मुख्य शहर पीलीबंगा - काली बंगा के पास फ़ैली थी.   यहां के लोक गीतों में  "कुरु -जांगाल के  पत्थर की बनी चूड़ियां की बड़ी प्रशंसा  है.        

आज कालीबंगा  की खुदाई होने के बाद हम यह समझने में सक्षम हो सके की यह महाभारत के बताये वे वैदिक स्थल हैं जिनकी अनदेखी भारत के लोगों ने की है .    कालीबंगा में वीर शैव दर्शन तथा वैष्णव दर्शन दोनों का संगम प्राप्त होती है.    वर्तमान कालीबंगा शहर ही खुद प्राचीन शहर पर खड़ी है. एक ओर बचे टीले की खुदाई कर के बहुत कुछ हम प्राचीन कालीबंगा के बारे में जान सके हैं . इसके पास बहने वाली सरस्वती नदी के प्राचीन नदी पेटी नष्ट  हो चुकी है तथा वह खेतों में बदल चुकी है.     प्राचीन सिंधुनदी  के पास  से प्राचीन सड़क मार्ग  कालीबंगा होते हुए जयपुर निकल जाती थी. इस मार्ग पर बहुत बार जयद्रथ अपने मित्र शाल्व से मिलने  जाता था.  एक प्राचीन विवरण मिलती है जब पांडव यहां रह रहे थे तब सरस्वती नदी में भीषण बाढ़ आ गई थी  . मानसून का समय था उस समय जयद्रथ  शाल्व से मिलने  के क्रम में यहां रुका था.

 महाभारत युद्ध के पश्चात सिंधु नदी के पार के स्थल भगवान कृष्ण को दे दी गई . सिंधु नदी के इस पार के प्रदेश भगवान कृष्ण और  युधिष्ठिर दोनों के पास रहे. यह सारस्वत सभ्यता का बहुत बड़ा केंद्र बिंदु है . भारत में सारस्वत ब्राह्मण का एक बड़ा वर्ग मिलता है. संभवतः उन्हें अपनी जातिगत इतिहास पता नहीं . पर ये इसी सभ्यता के मूल निवासी हैं. 

चित्र नीचे देखें 

The Mahabharata ( MB )  is the repository of our ancient history and culture. Why we should blame the foreigners for not projecting correctly our history. Our poor Indians have not given fair treatment to the Mahabharata and its age. Whatever left was further corrupted by our archaeologists who placed defective age line for the MB age. Dr BB Lal and Dr SR Rao based on the date of Chandragupta Maurya at 323 BCE has calculated the age of the MB from 1100 BCE ( DR BB Lal ) and 1500 BCE ( Dr SR Rao ). Whatever, if base is wrong then naturally any date calculated on the base shall be wrong.

In the MB the "Kuru-Jaangal" is a wide reported province which was given by Dhritarashtra to the Pandavas. There is an important description that the "Kuru-Jaangal" was made fit for residence after clearence of jungles spread on the River Saraswati.  This was under the Kuru Kingdom. The "Kuru-Jaangal" was spread on the banks of the River Saraswati, which was extended till the eastern side of the Indus River.  The MB reports of the Kutch desert in the "Kuru-Jaangal". The local folk songs in this area sing praise worthy words of the "Kuru-Jaangal" of the stone made bangles. An ancient road was connecting River Indus to Kalibangan and thereafter  Jaipur. This road was used often by Jayadrath before the MB war. In the MB war, Jayadrath from the Sindh and the Parada King from the Baluchistan were killed. The Pandvas handed over the Baluchistan, including the western side of the River Indus to Krishna and the eastern side was remained under Krishna and Yudhishthira. This provided new settlement of town and reorganization of various Vedic sites including the western side of the Indus River. The prominent sites are the Mohen- Jo-Daro and the Harappa. 

The Kalibangan in the "Kuru -Jaangal" is one of the auspicious sites of the Saraswati River culture. This site has trace history origin with the Sarasvat Brahmins in India which have migrated up to the Western India, including Mumbai , Pune and Goa  and beyond that the deep south of India.

The symbolism of Krishna in the Unicorn, Bull  and the Three Head Bull in the Mahabharata( MB ) . This MB  describes in detail the Dwarika ; the Hastinapur and the Kuru -Jaangaal along with the River Saraswati. 

The "Vishvarupa" form of Krishna described in the Bhagvad-Gita brilliantly  in this way:  

पश्य मे पार्थ रूपाणि शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः।
नानाविधानि दिव्यानि नानावर्णाकृतीनि च।।

To understand this the "Three Head" symbolism is required to be understood widely found at the Dwarika and the Mohen- Jo-Daro as shown above.   In the "Vishvarupa" Krishna has innumerable heads, where He is the infinite universe, without a beginning or an end. This is described in the Bhagvad-Gita very brilliantly. The "Three Head Symbolism" is described widely along with the "Unicorn Symbolism" in the Mahabharata. Where Krishna says this is His auspicious symbol. This shows the "Three Head Symbolism"; the "Unicorn Symbolism" and the "Six Head Symbolism" are product  after the MB war ( 3138 BCE ). The Kalibangan what we are describing is coming at an age when the "Ashwa-Medha Yagya" was performed widely - a year long ceremony by a Vedic King. Definitely he was Yudhisthira , who performed this ceremony after the MB War on the advice of Bhagwan Krishna. As this ceremony is not allowed for the general people. Thus the Kalibangan is the ceremonial site of the "Ashvamedha Yagya" mentioned in the MB.     

The ancient relics of Kalibangan. This is the important and prominent town of the "Kuru-Jaangal"


The ancient township with street and roads of the Vedic era, which received its origination from the Hastinapur and the Dwarika.  

The ancient Vedic ritual "Ashwa Medha Yagya" ( Vaishnav Practice) conducted at the "Kuru Jaangal" province. This is also widely mentioned in the Mahabharata on the specific Vedic ritual. 


 "yupansch shastrapanditan darvan hembhushitan

upaklrisan yathakalam vidhivad bhoorivarchasah"

. (MB- Ashva Medhika Parva: 32 ) 

"tam vashadhoomgandham tu dharmrajah sahanujaih 

upajishad yathasastram sarvapapaham tada"

 (MB- Ashva Medhika Parva: 4)

"shishtanyaagani yananyasam stasya-asvasya naradhipa

tanyagnou juduvurdhiraam samastah shodash artvijah" 

(MB- Ashva Medhika Parva: 5)

The ancient Vedic ritual "Ashwa Medha Yagya" ( Shakta practice  ) conducted at the "Kuru Jaangal" province. The "Ashwa Medha Yagya" is essentially carried by King. Others are not eligible. This is clear evidence of Horse Sacrifice with horse bones. In the ancient Vedic practice , the entire horse is sacrificed to the Fire God. This is not consumed. This was carried by  Yudhisthira after the MB war.  In the Mahabharata Yudhishthira has performed the difficult but long one year rite of the "Ashvamedha Yagya" immediately after the MB war to declare himself the Chakravarti Samrat of India. This Yagya is a costly affair, where a new township is built of more than 10000 people to conduct the Yagya. The Jaiminiya Ashwamedh ( जैमिनीयाश्वमेध:  ) gives a vivid description of the conduct of this  important rite in the last Vedic Age by  Yudhishthira. Now this practice is totally discontinued after the end of the Kingship Rule in India. The horse head and the horse bones are clearly visible at the Kalibangan.    

Many ceramic potteries entered Kalibangan. The ceramics were sourced from Baluchistan. The site which provided raw material  for Kalibangan as well as for Dwarika for producing fine ceramic plates.   

The satellite image shows Kalibangan and the MB evidence of large desert spread at the Kuru Jaangal. See downside the Kutch desert. From the Kalibangan an ancient River channel is seen moving towards Bahawalpur ( Pakistan ). This is the channel of the Saraswati River.  

The ancient relics of the Saraswati  River now converted into agriculture fields at the Kalibangan.  

The ancient relics of the Kalibangan is deeply buried on this modern site of Kalibangan. The modern street and roads remained intact like the city description mentioned in the Mahabharata on the Dwarika roads. The Kalibangan road design is borrowed from the Dwarika.  The Dwarika Roads cut each other at 90 degree angle.  The Kalibangan topography shows a city with road cutting each other at 90 degree.  This important proof has been ignored by the archaeologists 


All are copy right protected material. No part shall be published without author's permission. I may be contacted at: birendrajha03@yahoo.com

Dwarika description from the author's book - "Discovery of Lost Dwarika" Available in the Paper book at Amazon America. The Hindi book is available at the Amazon India - click the link following: 

#Dwarika #Dwarka #DiscoveryDwarka #KrishnaDwarka #DiscoveryDwarika  #MohenJodaro #Harappa  #IndianHistory


  1. Absolutely fantastic , link with Mohenjodaro must not be easy to prove, good work.


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