INDIAN FAITH : The Skill Gap & The Need To Train The Indian Bureaucrats

Swami Vivekananda more than 100 years before said : "develop faith, through the grace of the Lord... you have the same pride, may that faith in your ancestors come into your blood, may it become a part and parcel of your lives". This is the faith we Indians still believe Bhagwan Krishna, His existence and His eternal presence. The icon of Jagannath at Puri is not  a carved and decorated wooden stump with large round eyes and a symmetric face. This is the icon of faith on Bhagwan Krishna.  The Sabarimala Temple in the Periyar Tiger Reserve at Kerala, is one of the largest annual pilgrimage sites in the world visiting  deity Ayyappan, incarnation of Krishna- Vishnu in the South India.  This is not the mythical faith. This is the historical faith, which binds all the Indians.

Krishna is the symbolism for unity of all the Indians. Indians have deep faith on Him. In Tamil Nadu we see a different picture. This is quite different then other Southern states like, Andhra Pradesh , Karnataka and Kerala. These three states predominantly protect the Vedic tradition. Hanuman Ji, one of the chief Vedic God and character of the Indian faith is coming from the border of the Andhra Pradesh and the Karnataka. But, picture is quite different at the Tamil Nadu. The early 60s agitation against the Vedic tradition was seen only at the Tamil Nadu in a very ugly way. The agitation carried by DMK at the Tamil Nadu has produced a very confused society, which challenges the existence of Krishna at the Mohenjodaro. This is a society where Tamil is more supreme than Krishna.  

This is the British which has seen a dream of divided India. This is seen at Tamil Nadu. For a very long years the poison was injected on the minds of the Tamils, that they were living at Harappa and was driven to Tamil Nadu by the Aryans. They believe Rama and Krishna as Aryan. How sad and foolish thought. This poison was injected by the British which was picked by the DMK for political gain. The DMK agitation was out of mind. A bogus agitation like the bogus Aryan Invasion Theory. The agitation was so deep that anti Vedic activities started here. No Sanskrit education ! No Sanskrit scriptures inside temple ! This society removed Sanskrit - but carried most of its religious rites from birth to death in the Sanskrit Mantras written in the Tamil script. This is the  hard faith- which this society can't remove.

Irvathan Mahadevan has been searching in the Harappa, for a very long period the Tamil origin at Harappa. He has more faith in the British and on the bogus agitation of the DMK then on Krishna. British has seen a dream of not only divided Indians but it has seen a dream of an Indian class, which thinks just like Britishers. Indian with British taste and mind.  "The Wonder That Was India" by Arthur Llewellyn Basham, has been enjoyed by the Indians with British taste and mind. Nehru carried this advanced legacy in his "Discovery of India". Krishna was mythical to this class and a symbol of backward mentality. For them Krishna hinders science and stop advanced society symbol ! They preferred their generation to forget Krishna and stop visiting temples like Sri Jagannath at Puri and Sri Rama at Ayodhya. We have seen how Hindu historians debated and doubted on the faith of Rama at Ayodhya during the trial of the "Rama-Janma-Bhoomi"  case ! This was done just to support the  Islamic invaders ! The  invaders which not only converted mass Hindu population into Muslim but destroyed our faith sites at Ayodhya, Mathura and other important places.  

The legacy of Nehru produced a confused  bureaucrats which never visited the submerged sites of Dwarika or tried to solve the Ayodhya dispute. As this was not allowed in a secular society.  Such bureaucrats have no faith on Rama and Krishna. During the legacy of  Nehru,  Krishna was a symbol of that society which was taboo for secular thinking. Nehru never liked Great Indians like KM Munshi and Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who inaugurated the Somnath Temple. This shows the Indians are divided. We have two different groups. One believes on the Indian faith  and the other which looks this faith as  mythical and symbol of backward mentality. 

After wide discovery of the Dwarika submerged in the Gulf of Kutch in 2018, say that the idea of the second group identifying Krishna as mythical is wrong. The idea and legacy of Nehru was wrong. The defective education system of India during the last 70 years was wrong. Now at any cost we have to protect this Historical Faith. We can't allow legacy like Nehru to damage our faith any more. We have to train our IAS and our bureaucrats sitting in the government establishments for this faith what we have lost. This is the vast skill gap of our Indian Bureaucrats. We have to train them quickly and swiftly  at the war level.  


                              The ceramic stone work at the submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna 


       The submerged township of Bhagwan Krishna at the Vedic Dwarika, showing houses in row with roads and drainage system. . The township is advanced then we see in the Mohenjodaro and Harappa.  

       The above photograph shows ancient port relics of the Vedic Dwarika, which  is a network of world class level international ports more than 20 in numbers. The domestic ports of the Mohenjodaro was linked with the international port at the Dwarika. The ancient Dwarika port site even when submerged, the ships were using that location site continuously as practice, which is still today used. Many modern ports at the Gulf of Kutch are on the ancient relics of the ancient Dwarika port of Bhagwan Krishna. This shows Vedic Dwarika is an excellent Marine society, which had scaled the world ocean with sophisticated ocean going ships and compass. 

The vast network of the Vedic Dwarika with excellent port system of the international level says Indians excelled in the marine science.  This above metallic compass  bearing ancient Sanskrit script - now preserved at the  Geneva Museum of Science History says many things about our Vedic Marine Culture reflected in the late Vedic age literatures. 


All are copy right protected material. No part shall be published without author's permission. I may be contacted at:

Dwarika description from the author's book - "Discovery of Lost Dwarika" Available in the Paper book at Amazon America. The Hindi book is available at the Amazon India - click the link following: 

#Dwarika #Dwarka #DiscoveryDwarka #KrishnaDwarka #DiscoveryDwarika  #MohenJodaro #Harappa 


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