PGW Which Killed The Age Of Dwarikadheesh. पी.जी.डब्लू - जिसने कृष्ण काल खा ली


Excerpt taken about Dwarika discovery from the author's published book DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA.

The Sea Submerged Dwarika of Bhagwan Krishna is looking Indian - American collaboration to move further. Some more than 100 satellite photographs of Sea submerged Dwarika are published in my book - DISCOVERY OF LOST DWARIKA - available at Amazon in ebook and paperback. The link is :

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Sometimes we listen embarrassing steps from the Government side handling culture and archaeology. We have seen this during the last 70 years in India. There are various examples, no need to mention here. To satisfy the political agenda of secular India, the ASI which is expected to do scientific study remained indulged in most of the unscientific works. It did not respected the radio dating or even the vast satellite imagery data on the submerged civilization of Krishna. The ASI discontinued the Saraswati excavation, as it was related with Krishna age . Everywhere we see dirty politics satisfying the dirty agenda.
The sacred field of knowledge derived from the true scientific tool is far away in the ASI. Recently, the Ministry of Culture has established a high powered committee to conduct a holistic study of origin and evolution of Indian culture since 12,000 years before. The committee includes Mr K.N. Dikshit, Chairman, Indian Archaeological Society, New Delhi and former Joint Director General, Archaeological Survey of India. Like any other study this shall just add the failed list, as the foundation on which the ASI is working is very poor. The very basis of its poor foundation is that Krishna is mythical. This failed study shall not do any value addition to this nation. This is just wasting the tax collected from the general public. Now action is required to admit Krishna as historical figure rather than indulging in bogus study- ignoring Krishna !!!.
The ASI from the beginning has been protecting the Communist backed political agenda of secular India. This damaged this great institution created by Gen Cunningham. I will cite here three good examples to hit on the problems. The ASI line from the day one of the India's independence started damaging under the secular leadership the existence of Krishna and Rama. For a very long period the ASI did not tried or funded project to venture in the Gulf of Kutch for searching Krishna. The ASI gave importance to Aurangzeb and Akbar, then Krishna. The bogus Aryan Invasion Theory as poison was planted in the school textbooks. These young minds were trained to deny the existence of Krishna in view of the bogus AIT theory.
Two people however took partial risk challenging the ASI secular system. They were Prof BB Lal and Dr SR Rao. Prof BB Lal, who served as the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) from 1968 to 1972 and has served as Director of the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies, Shimla, had excavated the Hastinapur sites. Working at Hastinapur - means sitting on the live volcano ! He found several archaeological findings of Krishna age. But he was under pressure, threat from the ASI itself to dilute the findings in his report. He used an unlucky, poor and bad term PGW ( Painted Grey Ware Period of Iron Age ), rather than calling it with Great respect Krishna Age Civilization. He is now of 99 years old. He might be thinking whether his training and minds did justice with Krishna or not !!!
Like Dr SR Rao, Prof BB Lal also adopted conservative dating line used by the ASI of placing Krishna age after the Aryan Migration Theory. The bogus theory which has been challenged by Dr Jha & Dr Rajaram in 2000 ; the various DNA studies; and vast satellite imagery research conducted by this author in the Gulf of Kutch. This Hastinapur age of 1500 BCE dating was without any scientific validation respecting radio dating. This shows he was facing severe challenge, pressure and difficulty in coming out of the ASI hard shell of secular mind. This dating line and term PGW created many bogus assumption, confusion and bad scenes for the ASI itself in coming years. The age of Krishna was forgotten, and we satisfied with a bogus term PGW, which was a very dirty and unlucky term to represent the vast Indian Culture spread during the last 12000 years. Dr SR Rao also faced similar threat. His findings at Bet Dwarka of some potteries of Krishna age, was discontinued to explore further. He asked for grant that was denied by the ASI. But to please the ASI he used the bogus dating line of post 1500 BCE as the time of the age of Krishna.
The third example is from the Sinouli site. The ASI still feels difficult to call it the age of Krishna. The ASI problem aggravates at Sinauli when it lands with PGW findings mixed with copper chariot findings. The illusionary unlucky term PGW of iron age now collapses with the copper age !!!
We just examined here three examples. There are many examples, where the ASI has consigned wrong idea about the age of Krishna. The ASI today is not giving justice and respect to Krishna and his radio dated age at 3200 BCE ! Then in such poor condition, the ASI if doing some research on the taxpayers money. This is useless . The ASI shall gain nothing , until or unless it corrects itself first.
Now the Gulf of Kutch has given numerous satellite based archaeological proofs of the age of Krishna, radio dated at 3200 BCE. Most of the research has been conducted by this author. This finding has disturbed the ASI. The District Magistrate of Dwarika in the month of May this year has given direction to the ASI Baroda to secure the submerged sites based on my satellite findings. The Baroda ASI since then has done nothing. The ASI is confused now where to place now the Harappan Civilization; The PGW age and the bogus AIT age line of 1500 BCE !
The ASI has to shed away the poor mental capacity and image what it earned during the last 70 years of India's independence. It shall have to take corrective measures including suspension and termination of junk, defective people from the ASI , who played with the data. These are the people, who insulted Krishna and his age as imaginary. They bonded Krishna at the temple, then finding him at the Gulf of Kutch. These people have cheated with Dwarikadheesh and his age using the poor, unlucky, bad term PGW. You go on cheating more and more Dwarkadheesh, your problem quantifies in the geometrical rate.

Come land on the natural surface. Throw away the unlucky term PGW. Call it the PGW as Krishna Age with great respect to Dwarikadheesh, which has been forgotten by the Indians and her Government.

कभी कभी हम हास्यास्पद चीजें ज्यादा सुनते हैं जब सरकारी महकमा सभ्यता तथा संस्कृति जैसे शब्दों के विषय में कुछ बोले. अनेक उदाहरण हैं जिन्हें दोहराने की आवश्यकता नहीं . ए.अस.आई  जो एक वैज्ञानिक संस्था है ने दुर्भाग्यवश राजनैतिक स्वार्थ में अधिक अवैज्ञानिक ढंग से कार्य किया है . सरस्वती नदी शोध अभियान को इस लिए बंद कर दी गयी की यह कृष्ण काल के सभ्यता पर प्रकाश डालती है . आखिर हम कब तक भगवान,  हमारे आस्था के प्रिय द्वारिकाधीश को राजनैतिक स्वार्थ में भुलाये रखेंगे . कोई पांच दिन पहले भारत सरकार ने ए.अस.आई  के अगुवाई में १२००० वर्ष प्राचीन सभ्यता संस्कृति पर अध्ययन करने का  निर्णय लिया है. यह अध्ययन अन्य अध्ययन की ही तरह  है. अध्ययन से अधिक आवश्यकता है "एक्शन" (कार्य ) करने की.  

ए.अस.आई  शरू से ही राजनैतिक स्वार्थ की रक्षा में अपनी विश्वश्नीयता खो चुकी है . इसके तीन सबल प्रमाण दिए जा रहे हैं. १९६८ से १९७२ के  दौरान प्रोफेसर बी बी लाल ए.अस.आई  के महानिर्देशक थे . इसके पहले प्रोफेसर  लाल ने हस्तिनापुर के उत्खनन का साहसिक निर्णय लिया . हस्तिनापुर पर हाथ लगाना - ज्वलंत ज्वालामुखी पर बैठने जैसा था . उत्खनन में अनेक चीजें प्राप्त हुई, परन्तु यहां ए.अस.आई ने इन चीजों को कृष्ण काल से जोड़ने के बजाय छद्म रूप में एक गंदे भ्रामक शब्दावली का निर्माण किया - जिसे न कभी देखा गया - न सूना गया . यह बताया गया की ये  उत्खनन की चीजें   पी.जी.डब्लू  ( पेंटेड ग्रे वेयर काल की हैं ).  वाह  ए.अस.आई - यहां भी कृष्ण से धोखा ! आज प्रोफेसर बी बी लाल ९९ वर्ष के ऊपर हैं  इन्हे जरूर मलाल होगी की कृष्ण काल को पी.जी.डब्लू ने खा ली.  ए.अस.आई के कृत्य  सिर्फ यही नहीं रुकती इन्होने बगैर रेडियो डेटिंग के उत्खनन से प्राप्त हस्तिनापुर  के  चीजों को आर्य आक्रमण काल १५०० ईस्वी पूर्व के बाद का माना है. यही हाल डॉ एस आर राव साहब का भी है . इनका द्वारिका खोज कार्यक्रम  न सिर्फ रद्द कर दी गयी  बल्कि बेट द्वारिका से प्राप्त चीजों का समय सीमा  बगैर रेडियो डेटिंग के १५०० ईस्वी पूर्व के बाद का माना है. यह कृष्ण तथा कृष्ण  काल से धोखाधड़ी नहीं तो और क्या थी 

इसी तरह सिनौली से प्राप्त चीजों को ए.अस.आई कृष्ण काल से जोड़ने में परहेज करता रहा . अब ए.अस.आई की हालत विचित्र थी.    सिनौली से प्राप्त पी.जी.डब्लू  ( पेंटेड ग्रे वेयर  ) तथा ताम्बे के रथ आपस में ही लड़ के ए.अस.आई के मूर्खता पर हंस रही थी . इसी ए.अस.आई ने एक विभ्रमित जाल लोह काल तथा ताम्र  युग का बुना था . जो सिनौली में ध्वस्त हो गए . कच्छ की खाड़ी में भगवान द्वारिकाधीश के भरपूर पुरातात्विक प्रमाण मिले हैं . ए.अस.आई   आज इसे झुठला नहीं सकती . इसी मई माह में कच्छ की खाड़ी  में मेरे खोज पर द्वारिका के जिला मजिस्ट्रेट ने बड़ोदा ए.अस.आई  को आदेश दिया था की कच्छ की खाड़ी में भगवान द्वारिकाधीश के पुरातात्विक स्थलों को सुरक्षित  की  जाय. बड़ोदा ए.अस.आई के पास धर्मसंकट है की वह द्वारिका सभ्यता के अलोक में हड़प्पा सभ्यता ; पी.जी.डब्लू  ( पेंटेड ग्रे वेयर  ) काल तथा आर्य आक्रमण सिद्धांत १५०० ईस्वी पूर्व के मत को कहां अब रखेगी ! आज भी ए.अस.आई  कृष्ण को झुठला रही है तथा द्वारिकाधीश को अपमानित करने में लगी है. ये  ए.अस.आई  डर के मारे कच्छ की खाड़ी में झांकते नहीं . अन्यथा उन्हें ७० वर्षों के कुकृत्य का हिसाब देना होगा जो इन्होने द्वारिकाधीश को सिर्फ मंदिरों में ही बंधक बनाये रखा और इनके मूल आवास और पुरातात्विक साक्ष्यों से खिलवाड़ किया.  

आइये हम छद्म पी.जी.डब्लू  ( पेंटेड ग्रे वेयर  ) काल को भूल जांय तथा गर्व से इसे कृष्ण काल कहें . ये जब तक नहीं होगी कृष्ण काल तथा उससे प्राचीन १०००० वर्षों  की सभ्यता संस्कृति पर अध्ययन करना पुनः द्वारिकाधीश के साथ धोखा-धणी   होगी क्योंकि  भारत की  अभागी प्रजा  तथा उसकी सरकार भगवान कृष्ण को भूल चुकी है.  


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