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Birendra K Jha

An appeal before reading:
(भ्रामक इतिहास का परिवर्तन एक पुण्य एवं आवश्यक कार्य हैकोई ७० वर्षों से मार्क्सवादी इतिहासकारों ने एक ऐसी  विकृत  पीढ़ी तैयार की है जो भारत के लिए खतरनाक हैहमनें एक बहुत बड़ा मूल्य भी चुकाया हैसभ्यता संस्कृति रक्षक संसद हमारे वैदिक हिन्दू समाज का प्रतिनिधित्व तभी कर सकते हैं जब सांसद सबल होंगेंनिर्बल ज्ञान शून्य सांसद आपका तथा इस देश का कभी भला नहीं करते.
History correction is an important activity. During the last 70 years the Marxist historians have made a deformed generation, which is dangerous for India. We have paid heavy price for that. The Parliament, the protector of our Vedic Hindu civilization and culture, shall only be strong when we have good educated members. Poor member aligned from the Vedic Civilization neither serve your culture nor this country.)

There exists parallel historical document, of the Mahabharata in the Greek. This is not known to the Europe. This is about the Iliad written by Homer in the West. The Mahabharata starts from the Hastinapur, an ancient and vanished city, some 60 miles northeast of Delhi. The Ganga washed away the ruins of this city, marking a clear water mark line at the Hastinapur. At the same time Dwarika, the capital city of the Krishna's Republic also washed away. This document came into various version latter. One is the selection theme of the eternal love in the "Gita-Govinda" composed by Jayadeva.  This is another Sanskrit composition, which revolves around the divine love between Radha and Krishna. Approximately at 800 BC, that is somewhat 2200 years later, Homer of Greece wrote Iliad and Odyssey. The theme of Iliad has been copied by Homer from the Mahabharata.

This Indian story in a very ancient age travelled to Greek. Homer was inspired by this story. He wrote a parallel story in the Iliad changing name and place.  The poem is filled with understanding, where every word can be counted like the Mahabharata.  In the Iliad its Homer here, a third person, which tells the story of the Fall of Troy, like the Mahabharata's story rendered by Vyas.

The Mahabharata and the Iliad both have used elevated language, using similes, epithets, archaic, scope and imagination. In both the composition divine deities descend on the Earth to watch the war. Politics is also at its height. Krishna save Arjuna. In Iliad its Zeus , which supports the Trojans  in the war. Both the composition is celebrating over war. Arjun is also there in the Iliad, which doesn’t like to fight. Soon Arjun receives here sermon. Bhishma is also pierced here hundred arrows.  There is a typical similarity of Karna and Hector. Both are killed in the political way. The leading women character, Draupadi is for Penelope in Iliad which has over 40 close parallels. This paradigm tells that the Indian story has been copied changing place and character. 

How this cultural document is copied, it can be demonstrated with one modern example. Voula Pella, is a renowned modern Greek Singer. She has brought her song album, which is very famous in Greek. Poor Indians have no idea    that how this Greek singer has flouted the IP law and the copyright infringement law.  The modern Greek Singer has copied a famous Hindi song rendered in 1948 by Mohammad Rafi. The song is: "yeh jindagee ke mele - duniya me kam naa honge, afasos ham naa honge - yeh jindagee ke mele". This was hit song in India in 1948. Voula Pella, in 1963 heard this Hindi song and decided to translate the Hindi into the Greek Version. The song title is - "Pedi mou girna piso". Same thought - same lyrics - same style - same music.   You can't say the Indian Mohammad Rafi in 1948 copied this from the Greek Voula Pella of 1963.

Similar story is here with the Mahabharata and the Iliad. The Iliad has been copied down from the Mahabharata. Homer did this copy in 800 BC due to the popularity of Krishna in the Greek at that age.  How he was popular a record is given by Agathocies Dikaios, the Greek Emperor, who was not only worshipper  of Krishna but believed  the Vaishnava practice. He introduced Krishna and Balaram on his coin based on the Mahabharata story. ( The below picture is of Krishna with the Sudarshan Chakra and Balarama is shown here with plow . 

The Greek Seleucid Empire, was filled with the Vaishnav culture. This transmitted in the Hellenistic culture Indian root strongly.   This is reflected in the Greek political thought, and  latter through Seleucus I agreement with Chandragupta II of the Gupta dynasty ( Not the Chandragupta - I, of the Maurya what Max-Muller and the Marxist fake history tells you. The dating of the Gupta Dynasty and the Maurya Dynasty both are wrong. This need immediate correction). The vast territory west of the Indus, including the Hindu Kush, modern-day Afghanistan, and the Baluchistan province of the present Pakistan were offered in marriage to the Gupta  Emperor, Chandragupta -II to formalize the alliance. The Seleucid Empire has retained the image of Krishna ( Heracle ) on its coin in remembrance of their as  forefathers. The image of Krishna is exactly same as we see in the Mohenjo-Daro. The standing image of Krishna ( in the lion cloth is also here ).   

The Seleucid Empire appointed his ambassador Megasthenes in India. He had on priority planned to visit the Pandyan Kingdom (Madurai, South India ). He mentioned that the name of this Kingdom is based on Heracles’ (Krishna's) only daughter Pandyan. This information is seen also in the Tamil Sangam. Further, Megasthenes disclosed that the Greek   Herakles is the conventional name of an ancient Indian deity, Krishna. This Pandya Kingdom was formed in 3100 BC, which had fought in the Mahabharata War (3138 BC )  siding with Krishna and the Pandavas. This is recorded in the Mahabharata.

After Seleucid Empire, Kushan Kings, which were the offshoot of the Greek Empire, continued Krishna  legend and remembered their forefather (Krishna ) on their coins. This copper version is an excellent rendering of Krishna.

The last Greek evidence was recorded by Heli-odorous, a Greek ambassador from Taxila. He erected pillar in the Besnagar (Madhya Pradesh)  around 113 BC, where he declared that he is from the community where Krishna is worshipped.  Thus, Krishna has definite and strong contribution in the Greek culture. This contribution is the only reason that the Sanskrit language entered the Greek language  somewhat around 3000 BC. Otherwise what is the reason that more than 90 % Greek vocabulary is dependent on the Sanskrit. If you remove the Sanskrit vocabulary in Greek, then both the Greek and the English language collapse.
The model image as shown below in the Mohenjo-Daro run in parallel with Heracles in the Greek coin. This parallel information confirms that the model is of Krishna. If you read the "Geet Govind" by Jayadeva, you will not find a trace of serious Yogic practice. Jayadeva himself was a poet and singer. He looked Krishna as a flute playing youth singer, who loves Radha.  But if you read the Mahabharata, you will find serious personality of Krishna, who is  a strong King, best politician, serious scholar and the Master of the Yogic Science. The Yogic model what we see at the Mohenjo-Daro is the actual figure of Krishna involved as King and the  Yogic Master. The Mahabharata do not mention how he was looking at his old age? So archaeology with coin is the only base to reconcile his figure in the last age.  

Bharata Muni authored the  "Natya-Shastra", records ancient practice of dress code by the King. He records about the  " Mastaka-Bhoosana" and the "Angada" . The "Mastaka Bhushan" is a decorative ornament tied around the head with an inlay of precious stone., which is required to be used by King compulsorily to differentiate with the ordinary person. The "Natya Shastra" says besides "Mastaka-Bhoosana", the   "Angada" ( arm band ornament )  is also required for the King. We see in the Krishna model the "Mastak Bhushan"  with  the  " Angada ". 

In the "Satpath Brahmana"  and the “Apastamb Srauta Sutra” (18.22.9-11 ), the King can't cut his hair and beard frequently. He has to follow the “Soma Yagya Rule”. In the “Raajsooya Yagya”; the “Aswamedha Yagya” and the “Vaajapeya Yagya”, All these Yagyas are conducted by the King for the prosperity of the Kingdom. This keeps  the King, under a practice  not to  cut his hair or beard for a very long period of time. However, in modern times – this practice is not seen. Now modern culture demands daily shaving. But, such wisdom and freedom in that time to do casual trimming or cutting of hair was not permitted by our “Sraut Sutra” for some scientific reason, we do not know! Latter Greek and the Greek influenced Europe converted from the Vedic Sanatana Dharma to the Christianity. Now time is changing again. The Christianity is not giving solace and peace. The Europe is returning back to the Vedic Sanatan Dharma. India should protect and embrace this new movement. 



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