THE SECRET OF KRISHNA SYMBOLISM INDIAN DIDN'T KNOW - PART SEVEN. - The Varaha Symbolism - One Country - Our Culture - Irfan Habib With His Crisis of Existence.

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An appeal before reading:
भ्रामक इतिहास का परिवर्तन एक पुण्य एवं आवश्यक कार्य हैकोई ७० वर्षों से मार्क्सवादी इतिहासकारों ने एक ऐसी विकृत पीढ़ी तैयार की है जो भारत के लिए खतरनाक हैहमनें एक बहुत बड़ा मूल्य भी चुकाया हैसभ्यता संस्कृति रक्षक संसद हमारे वैदिक हिन्दू समाज का प्रतिनिधित्व तभी कर सकते हैं जब --सांसद सबल होंगेंनिर्बल ज्ञान शून्य सांसद आपका तथा इस देश का कभी भला नहीं करते.
History correction is an important activity. During the last 70 years the Marxist historians have made a deformed generation, which is dangerous for India. We have paid heavy price for that. The Parliament, the protector of our Vedic Hindu civilization and culture, shall only be strong when we have good members. Wrong member neither serve you nor this country.)


The Krishna's symbolism of Unicorn ( 3100 BC ) changed in 2200 BC. This is reflected in copper motif of 2200 BC where the Brahmi and the Harappan scripts both have been used. In this motif stiff horn upside, as seen in the Harappan Unicorn seal, turned downside and tilted to one side. The artist of this copper unicorn retained the ancient Harappan Unicorn form of the Varah and corroborated in 2200 BC the new iconography of Krishna. In 1200 BC, Indian almost forgotten the Krishna symbolism and remembered only the top head as some round oval shape. But if you see Gurjara Pratihara Coin (800 AD ), Indians remembered Varaha, just like what it was in 2200 BC. The Gurjara Pratihara coin clearly retained the Unicorn symbolism. This was another lineage of Krishna, which linked its ancestry with Rama also.
At the other side Yaudheya, who was the Yudhisthira's grand son and also related with Krishna's Grandson Yuyudhana, in his coin has retained the Krishna Unicorn symbolism. In Brahmi the legend is written " Yaudheya ganasya jayam " . Yaudheya participated in the Mahabharata war and also continued the Republic of Krishna after his death. Krishna as Unicorn remained on his coin for many years. This family ruled from Rajasthan to Himachal Pradesh for a very long period of time. Two other Krishna's Lineage are also important. The submersion of Dwarika and the death of Krishna (3102 BC ), forced the people to migrate from the Saraswati Province. One lineage of Krishna settled at the Saraswati Province, which was continued by Yuyudhana and Yaudheya. The other Krishna lineage went to South India with the people from the Saraswati Province. This lineage took the original icon of Krishna and settled this at the Padmanabha Temple at Trivandrum ( 3102 BC ). This lineage missed in the hoary antiquity until the rise of the Hoysala dynasty. This dynasty maintained the Krishna Unicorn symbolism in its gold coins. At this time the Harappan horn has turned absolutely down completely.
From North to South one symbolism ruled India and that was the symbolism of Krishna Varaha. Time to time the symbolism of Krishna, has undergone changes to meet the local custom and story. For example at the Jagannath Puri, we find an interesting version of the Krishna's symbolism. This symbolism has become a movement now in the Europe. In India after the invasion of the Muslim invaders, for a very long period, Hinduism remained under threat. Under threat and fear mass Hindu converted to Muslim. But, even this crisis didn't stop the legacy. Rasakhan, a Muslim, maintained this Krishna cult. His tomb at Gokul (Mathura) is remembered with great respect by the devotee of Krishna. He said in the local dialect of Mathura about Krishna:
ब्रह्म मैं ढूँढयो पुरानन-गानन बेद रिचा सुनि चौगुने गायन.देख्यो सुन्यो कबहूँ  कहूँ वह कैसे सरूप  कैसे सुभायन.
The Britishers fear of the creation of the Aryan Dravidian myth was against this Krishna unification, which binds North and South. The Britishers feared this. The secret plan of the East India Company to fund Max Muller at the Oxford University was the ugly plan of this dirty game, which Indians failed to realise earlier, including the non convincing Dravidian Movement. Latter after the publication of the "Satyarth Prakash" by Swami Dayanand & severe criticisms of Max Muller, the Britishers changed their strategy and dirty game plan from the Aryan Invasion Theory to the Hindu - Muslim crisis.
This country has undergone several crisis. The present time, I think we are moving on more difficult crisis. A community which is converted from the cult of Krishna, fails to link its relation with Krishna. Few, hard , rigid, uneducated and orthodox people misguide the community and don't tell it the real history & identity. This identity has remained stolen from our History books. Irfan Habib is not addressing this crisis. This is the real problem.
Until or unless Habib is not understanding the real crisis, he can't do justice with India. Savarkar thought of Hindutva was running around this theory of mass unification which Irfan Habib failed to reciprocate. There are many problems attached with Habib, including the Ayodhya dispute issue. Where his role was doubtful and suspicious ! He has failed to address all these issues including two major problems. Habib started the crisis problem from the partition of India in 1947. He blamed Savarkar for the partition. But he forgotten the Lahore resolution and the role of Sir Syed as the basis of the bogus two nation theory. Habib failed to address this bogus theory of the British design.
Habib also failed to address the artificial British plan of the Communism raised during the Mutiny of 1857 in which Hindus and Muslims jointly fought against the British. When the British realized that the only way to control India was divide and rule and create thought of Communist, who backs Muslim but hate Hindus. This Communist was different from the Russia or the China ! This was also not addressed by Habib. He is a rigid orthodox. He has not only spoiled the JNU but spoiling now the environment at the Parliament. No body is in the Parliament to address his play of secularism.
The West and East Germany also faced similar national crisis and identities. To end this crisis young intellectual generation, overlooked Irfan Habib type orthodox people at Germany and took the lead in 1990 in their own hands . The artificial and fake division of the two countries, was abolished and both the country merged as one.
Give a blow and break this barrier of fake history.

 #vivekananda#University#Indus#indusCivilization#IndusScript#research, #Sarasvati, #saraswati


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