The Lost Script of Krishna ~ The Mystery of The Dholavira Inscription

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Birendra K Jha


Krishna assisted Yask in recovering the “Nirukta- Shastra” at the Mohenjodaro. Yask recovered all these seals at the Mohenjo-Daro and reconstructed at Harappa some 590 km to the north. There are various seals at the Mohenjo-Daro, which modern variants have been found at Harappa. These materials show Harappan seals have been recreated after the end of the Mohenjo-Daro. Krishna assisted Yask at that time, when “Shruti Parampara” ( Oral transfer of the knowledge from Guru to the disciple )  was converting to the “Lekhan – Parampara” ( Oral converted to the writing medium ).  Panini was of the same age of Krishna and Yaska, but junior in age.   


If one goes through the “Ashtadhyayi” authored by Panini. This shows Panini is systematically struggling to restore the grammar of the Sanskrit writing. Similar attempt is also being done by Yask. Yask is also struggling here. A presentation is here on the decipherment of the Dholavira inscription. This is a long board, where the people of the Dholavira has recorded their achievements. The interesting and important part what is shared here is that the archeologists have applied little mind in understanding the situation of the Harappan signs. The Dholavira inscription is an example of Panini struggling to restore the writing medium. This medium contains more than 90% Brahmi signs. This important point has been ignored by most of the scholars and workers involved in this feild. This shows Yask and Panini both are adopting scientific phonetic value  to come back with a perfect script to explain the Sanskrit Grammar in the language and writing.  

Panini gives a list of around 64 alphabets for writing  the Sanskrit according to the Maheshwar Sutra. This Maheshwar Sutra is the base of the ancient Brahmi as called the Devanagari Script. At that age there was a class of calligraphy, which had the specialities of skill on the writing on the metal or clay seals. They were called the “lipikara” what Panini says. Such calligraphy received high respect in the societies titled as “Ganesh”. Vyas in the Mahabharata had hired one such Ganesh, which is assisting in writing the content as found in this verse. After the end of the Mahabharata period, India lost such school of the calligraphy. The information  on the ancient school of the calligraphy is given below:   

व्यासं ज्ञानप्रदं नित्यं गणेशं सिद्धिदं शुभम्।
प्रणम्य प्रारंभे गीताश्लोकसंक्षेपसंग्रहम्।।


The Ganapati Atharva Shirsham again quotes this important verse - 

गणादि पूर्वमुच्चार्य वर्णादिं तदनंतरं।।

Panini invented Maheshwara Sutra  with a divine  blessing of high order to compose the most difficult and tedious part in the human mankind. He was guiding the generation how to write. Though in the internet age, we can’t imagine the pain and task of Yask in reducing writing skill to some definite order.  He composed in the 14 sutras the method of writing the entire alphabets in 64 signs. The 14 sutras are following. The intelligent reader will see the vowels are  denoted in the first four sutras and remaining 10 sutras denotes the consonent :

१.       अइउण्। . ऋऌक्। . एओङ्। . ऐऔच्। . हयवरट्। . लण्। . ञमङणनम्। . झभञ्। . घढधष्। १०. जबगडदश्। ११. खफछठथचटतव्। १२. कपय्। १३. शषसर्। १४. हल्।

The Variants of 64 signs of the Maheshwar Sutra ( The ancient Devanagri – or the ancient Brahmi ) as invented and devised by Panini was reduced by the latter generation with 47 signs in the modern Devanagri, containing  33 consonents and 14 vowels. Total 47 alphabet signs. The English latter reduced the need of  vowels from 14 to 5. As the English was dependent on the Phonecians, which supplied only 5 vowels. We see in the Harappans various symbols used for denoting the Maheshwar Sutra and its exapanded notation of 64 signs. These signs used various strokes, accent sign to put the phonetic values of that signs.

The Phonecians (including Armaic ) derived most of its alphabetical symbols from the Harappans. The Phonecinas were aggressive traders who taught entire Europe the education culture and manner. The Phonecians came into contact with the Harappans and their writing knowledge. Latter most of the Phonecians symbols migrated into the Greek.  Around 4th Century BC, the Greek reduced alphabet to 24 from Alpha to Omega. Many signs in this alphabet have been borrowed from the  Ashokan Brahmi and the Phonecians. The age of the Ashokan Brahmi what is given by the Marxist Historians Irfan Habib is awfully bad and extremely poor. Before the invasion of Alexander to India, the Ashokan Brahmi was existing in India some 1100 years ago.

Irfan Habib being Islamic scholar, did not applied his mind in understanding the Sanskrit language. He copied the Max-muller mindset. If he understood the Max-muller bias. He remained silent, to prove his Islamic superiority on the Ayodhya matter, what he had given under oath with affidavit to the Allahabad High Court during the Ayodhya dispute matter.  He did defective work in the name of scholarship. He killed almost 1200 years of the Mauryan. He and his JNU team are black blots in the name of the scholarship who provided wrong information to the people of India and created trouble in the silent water of the Ayodhya issue.

Before understanding the age of the Ashokan Brahmi. It is important to understand the age of Krishna and Nanda. In the Bhagavatam – 11-6-25 ,  there is an information that Krishna remained on this Earth for 125 years. The verse is:

Yaduvanshevtirnasya Bhavatah Purushottamah |
Sharachchhatam Vyatiyaay Pancha Vinsha Adhikam Prabho ||

Krishna time period for moving to the heavenly abode is 3102 BC. This age is added with 125 years, which comes to 3227 BC as the date of birth of Krishna. 32 years before the Nirvana of Krishna stands the Mahabharata war. This comes to 3138 BC. Purana says from the date of the Mahabharata war to the coronation of the Nandas dynasty elapsed 1500 years. This stands at 3138 BC – 1500 years = 1638 BC is the period when Nanda dynasty period established in India. After removing Nandas the Koutilya established the Chandragupta Maurya at  1541 BC and the Emperor Ashok at 1479 BC.  When Alexander invaded India at that time Samudragupta from the Gupta dynasty faced him. It was not the Chandragupta Maurya. These Marxist historians again are blot in the name of scholarship, who do not have scope by now to remove at least this embarrassing lacuna from the history.
Intelligent reader shall imagine that this requires wide changes in the time span of the history which changes the period of Gautam Buddha to Adi Shankaracharya. It is advised whenever any age line pieces are coming before you. Look them with suspicious eyes. Don’t treat them authentic.  
Thus the Devanagri ( Old Brahmi ) abandoned 17 signs of the Maheshwar Sutra. Intelligent reader shall check that how it was diificult to arrange consonent and vowel in the 14 sutras by Panini.  Panini himself says “put perpendicular line over the syllable as “swarita” and horizontal line under the syllable as the “anudatta”. This shows Panini is struggling to devise accent sign in the syllables. Various accent signs, the swarita and anudatta practice are seen frequently  in the Harappan script. These accents were taken by the Brahmi. Panini was also facing challenge of writing numerical notation. His Sutra – 1.3.11 gives a detailed methodology of writing numericals. In various Harappan Seals  in front we find text and in its backside numerical number have been given. These numerical numbers are given in this way :
One – I; Two- II; Three= III; Four – IIII; Five – V; Six – VI; Seven- VII; Eight - VIII
The intelligent reader will find that this Panini devised numerical notation has been copied by Greek, what we called very proudely the Roman Numbers.
Besides such numerical notation Panini was also struggling to devise easily some symbols used to denote the numerical values. For writing Ten he used “ma” sign. For writing value 90 he used “dh”sign. For denoting 1000 he used T sign. All these symbols have been adopted by the Ashokan Brahmi.
The journey of the Sanskrit as the  “Devabhasha” ( language of  the God ) pacifies the meaning of the Devanagri ( script of the God’s language written in a town ). The Harappa and Mohenjodaro are the Vedic towns and their script is the ancient derivatives of the Devanagri Script. The Nagari script of the Gujarat and the Nagara Brahmins of the Gujarat both  associate themselves  with an ancient Vedic town. For many years at Gujarat the Devanagri script was into practice. When Ashoka came, he devised more easier method of writing the Prakrit language ( corrupt language of the Sanskrit – which was not following rigid rule of the Sanskrit Grammar ). Ashoka deleted many Devanagri symbols and reduced and refined further his script in writing the Prakrit language.
The Harappan script  from 64 symbols when reduced to 47 symbols in the Devanagri. It passed over some 1000 years. The Devanagri and the Siddham script maintained the same rhythum. Shaktayan -I, an ancient Sanskrit Grammarian contemporary  to the age of the Panini promulgated a practice in the   Siddhamatrika version. We see this version in the Maithili and the Bengali script.  Shaktayan gave the Sutra:            
–‘ नमः सिद्धम
This shows Shaktayan-I  original writing was in the Siddham Script which starts alphabet from the “Om” sign. Since the Siddham script is maintaining the same rhythm as like the Devanagari. So the Devanagari ancient version of the alphabet also starts with the “Om’ sign. Now the Devanagari has deleted this practice.

(CONTD…………. )


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