Migration of Bhagwan Krishna Symbolism From India To Ireland & Scotland

Bhagwan Krishna - with His Chakra and His symbolisms in Unicorn ( top two Unicorns) and "Virat-Swaroop Symbolism" as "Navagunjars". The "Navagunjars" have appeared in India at the Jagannath Temple of Puri ( downside three panels ) with peacock head and tiger tail. This vital evidence is demonstrated at the sides of the Silver Cauldraon, now at the Denmark Museum. The "Navgunjar", demonstrating the "Virat Swaroop" of Bhagwan Krishna shown to Arjun at the MB War. This symbolism represents the nine different animals including tiger, horse, peacock, camel, elephant and human body to demonstrate the "Virat Swaroop". This symbolism appears at the Mohenjodaro seal and the Neelchakra of Bhagwan Jagannath Temple at Puri. Before reading please correct the age line: Chandragupta Maurya -1516 BCE ( Not 323 BCE ); Gautam Buddha 1864 BCE Not 500 BCE ; Mahabharat war 3138 BCE- Not 14th Cent BCE; Dwarika Submersion 3102 BCE Peopl...